
Making The Princess Compensate

Davis became a little impatient, "Make your decision. It's not like I don't know that you can't afford it... On top of the Conferred King Tournament rewards, you also have the rewards from the 'trial' back then..."

Princess Isabella hurriedly shook her head before dawdling again a bit.

"What? Don't tell me you won't purchase those formations?" 

Davis narrowed his eyes in displeasure, not giving her some leeway to escape from responsibility since they were a group.

Princess Isabella became a little bit hesitant but still revealed, "No, I meant that I don't have the rewards from the trial."

Davis became astonished. He looked at her in suspicion before hesitatingly speaking, "Don't tell me you gave all those High-Level Spirit Stones to your little dragon?"


Princess Isabella just chuckled, however, her chuckle contained ounces of embarrassment.
