
Armament Master certification (2)

編集者: Misty Cloud Translations

"You want to take part in it as well?" Li Moying's brows rose, "Based on your armament refining standard, you still need to be certified by the Armament Guild? Those teachers in Celestial Light Academy don't even have ten percent of your ability! You don't need the Armament Guild certification to raise your social value."

Huang Yueli answered, "You can't put things in this way! The Armament Guild certification has its own advantages. Didn't you see it for yourself? Li Xue'er is merely a high levelled Armament apprentice and she's already so popular! The Armament Master medal is a symbol of status in Soaring Heavens Continent. Furthermore, the Armament Guild has many high levelled materials and only those Armament Masters whom they have certified are able to exchange for it, and those are very useful to me."

Li Moying put his hand on the top of her head as he patted her affectionately.
