

There's only one person who can build a portal this fast! My heart nearly beats out of my chest as electricity crawls out of the center of the whirlpool! I hold my breath as I see a head of dark hair suddenly coming out of the water. When amber-colored eyes lock onto me, I feel my tears coming back.

Li Jun stumbles back before falling down and gaping up at the Diety coming out of the spring! The women all suck in and gasp at the man and his good looks. The man has long dark black hair with skin that looks like it's been kissed by the sun gods! His strong jaw... his lips... those eyes! Holy hell!! 

He's a straight man but he's suddenly questioning it! As the man emerges out of the water, his black gown is open, showing off his built chest! But... what were those black markings all over him!? Was he a Deity or a demon!? 

As soon as Asher comes through entirely, he stands on the water. I scramble to my feet and run straight to him. My magic was completely tapped out but with Asher, I was able to run to my brother on top of the water. Li Jun and the women rub at their eyes, not understanding what's happening or how these two attractive lovers look so good together but when they see her running on the water...

The women gape in shock but I ignore them as I run straight to Asher. Asher gives me a relieved smile as he opens his arms to me. I throw myself at him and wrap my arms around him as I begin to cry. 

Asher wraps his arms around me and holds me close as he says "I've got you little seedling. It's okay now." I bury my face in his chest and normally I wouldn't be rubbing my face all over his bare chest but at this moment, I couldn't be happier to see him. 

Suddenly, a strong powerful force comes flying straight at us! Asher tightens an arm around me as he lifts his other arm. Power and magic collide in a strong blast, knocking Li Jun and the women away! I hear Jinhai's voice as he yells "Release her!" 

My brother keeps his arm up to block Jinhai's attack as he tightens his grip on me. I try to turn and yell at Jinhai but Asher's grip becomes almost painful! I don't have any strength left! It took everything I had just to run to him! 

The runes on my brother's arm begin to light up before he says "Fuck off" with a straight face! The magic hits Jinhai, sending him flying back and destroying half of the mountain in a powerful blast that shakes the whole mountain! The water begins to glow again as the water begins to swirl faster and faster. Did Asher kill Jinhai!?! He was annoying but I didn't want him hurt or dead!!

Mango holds onto my ear with a death grip, afraid to be left behind. As the bright blue light becomes blinding, we're suddenly falling but we're also hit! Asher wraps his arms around me tightly as he grits his teeth. 

He's struggling to carry me back! But why!? He's always been able to carry me without a problem! We swirl around before suddenly being pushed out. Asher holds me close as we hit the ground. He grunts at the impact causing me to panic! He took the whole fall so that I wouldn't get hurt.

I quickly lean back and yell "Asher! Are you okay!?" We've never had such a hard landing before! Suddenly, I'm ripped away from my brother's arms! I look up in confusion and feel my heart nearly stop. I look up into Jinhai's pitch-black eyes with shock and fear. 

How the hell... wait, when we went through the portal we were hit by something! It was him! He must have jumped in after us! The crazy bastard! No wonder Asher was struggling! "Jinhai! What the hell are you doing!?" 

He practically growls at me as he pulls me to him and says "What the hell are you doing!? Who the hell is this man!?" My brother slowly stands up and cracks his neck with anger rolling off him in waves. Oh... he's pissed. 

Surprisingly, he and Jinhai are nearly the same size! Jinhai pulls me behind him like he was protecting me or something! My legs threatened to give out on me as I struggle to say "Calm down! Please! This is.." 

My brother cuts me off as he says "I'm going to give you exactly two seconds to release her before I rip you to pieces." The way he says it with such a calm voice has me shivering. I've never seen him like this before... 

I shake myself and yell out "Asher! Wait! He's misunderstanding the whole situation! I know him!" Asher continues to glare at Jinhai as Jinhai glares at him. Suddenly, I hear "Willow! My baby!" I turn to see my mother running towards me at top speed but my father quickly stops her.

He pulls her back and says "Stay back!" My father slowly starts to walk over, causing Jinhai to pull me closer. My father watches his actions closely before saying "I guess you are from the world Willow was lost in. Willow is my daughter and this is my son, Asher. I can see that you're trying to protect her but we're her family."

Jinhai suddenly freezes. He blinks before turning to look at Asher. Asher continues to glare at him like he's going to rip his head off but he doesn't move. My legs finally give out. Jinhai quickly turns and catches me, trying to help me but my father and brother are on us in seconds. 

My father slaps Jinhai with a rune, instantly causing him to fall to his hands and knees. Asher scoops me up as my mother runs over to us with tears. I look to my father and say "Don't hurt him, Dad. He doesn't understand." 

Asher tells me "Hush" as he continues to walk away but my Dad gives me a small smile and nods his head in understanding. My mom continues to cry as she follows Asher and I out. My Dad remains with Jinhai. I look to Jinhai in concern and see that he was still watching me. 

I thought I would see his anger and hatred but his eyes were mostly filled with worry. He was worried about me? As Asher turns the corner, the connection is broken. My mother cries as she looks me over and asks "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" 

I give her a small smile and shake my head no. I hold her hand and give in to my exhaustion. I lean my head again Asher's chest and let my heavy eyelids close. I didn't sleep much last night and trying to create the portal really took it out of me. Before I realize it, I drift off to sleep.

Hello, My Lovely Readers!! I'm sorry about the late release today! It was my oldest daughter's birthday! Hehe, ^^ I'm starting to feel old. My youngest is 12 and my oldest is 14!! >~< I keep repeating "I'm only 31" over and over but it doesn't have the desired effect I was hoping for ^^' LOL AAAAAND, there's ANOTHER hurricane headed straight for us... again -_- I give up lol Thank you for all your love and support, you guys rock! P.S. I also decided to change my profile picture and my cover picture to me! Here's to all my incredible readers! XOXO

Blissfullragecreators' thoughts