

I watch several rough-looking men walk out with knives and swords. I slowly turn to look at Li Jun with suspicion. He slowly turns to me but when he sees my look, he quickly does a doubletake, raises his hands, and shakes his head 'No' while saying "I have nothing to do with this!"

I narrow my eyes at him and say "You just mentioned Bandits and..." I turn to look at the men and finish "Here they are." The leader of the Bandit steps up with a sinister smile on his face and says "Give us everything you have." 

Li Jun sighs and says "I mentioned them because they're known for hunting these trails! Ask anyone and they'll tell you the same thing!" I slowly smirk as I look back to the Bandits and say "Well, it's a good thing I hired you then, huh?" 

I glance back to Li Jun to see him look at the twenty or more men and swallow hard. He gives me a weak smile and nods his head a little as he says "Indeed..." He grips his sword with a shaky hand and pulls it out while saying "Move along and no one has to get hurt."

The Bandits all break down in laughter as the leader mockingly shakes in fear. He then scoffs at Li Jun and says "Leave all your things and the pretty lady and we'll let you leave." Li Jun tightens his hand on his sword as he glares at the leader and yells "Over my dead body!" 

Surprised by his answer, everyone looks at him in shock, including me! Faced with this many men, anyone in their right mind would run. Especially if you don't really know the other party very well. It would be so much easier for him to just leave me here and escape with his life. What a foolish guy...

The Bandits break into laughter once again before saying "Good, I was hungry for some blood." Li Jun grits his teeth and slowly steps in front of me, intending to protect me. My heart softens for the idiot. 

I lightly reach out and tap his back before stepping around him and smiling at all the Bandits. They pause for a second but my next words have them all smiling. "Why can't we all just have a little fun? Would you all accept a kiss from me?"

The leader chuckles a little before stepping closer and saying "There's over twenty of us woman. That would be a lot of kisses." I tap my chin, deep in thought before saying "Ah, you're right. How about I blow you all a kiss before we all have some fun?"

He slightly frowns before laughing with the others and saying "Sure! We'd all like a kiss from a pretty little thing like you." I give him a menacing smile as I slowly walk to them and lift my hand. I smile at them all as I bring my lips together and lightly blow while blending in some magic. 

The fairy dust in my palm goes flying in the air, looking like little tiny gems in the afternoon sun. They all blink in surprise and look up at the drifting sparkles. Some even lift their hands, trying to catch the fairy dust while others watch in awe as it falls on them.

The leader rubs his fingers together in awe as he looks up and asks "What kind of magic is this!?" My smile turns cruel as I say "It's magic for the evil." His awe quickly dries up as he stiffens in fear. Suddenly, a man starts to giggle. He's followed by another, and then another. 

The leader starts to giggle before he stumbles back and slaps a hand over his mouth. His wide eyes look at me with fear as his men start dropping like flies. They laugh so hard they can no longer stand! The leaders starts laughing and before long, he too is on the ground, clutching his stomach. 

They all laugh as Li Jun steps up and asks with a shaky voice "What did you just do?" I turn to him with a smile and say "I gave them what they deserve. Let's go before things get ugly." Li Jun looks around in fear and asks "What do you mean?"

One of the men starts throwing up from laughing so hard while another pees himself. I grab Li Jun's arm and start pulling him through the laughing men as I say "That, and it will get worse before they ultimately end up dying from laughter." 

The leader tries to grab us as we walk by but he can barely keep his head up with all his laughter. Tears run down his face as he laughs and says "I will kill you!" he rolls over onto his back, laughing so hard he can't breathe. 

Once we pass them, I release Li Jun and continue walking. Li Jun keeps looking back to the laughing men and then me before asking "Will they all die?" I keep walking and tilt my head to the side a little before saying "Maybe? If they're strong enough, they'll survive."

I shrug my shoulders as I keep walking and say "They're lucky I'm in a good mood. People like them don't deserve to die so easily." Li Jun's eyes widen in horror as he thinks back to the men. That was dying easy!? He shivers and makes a vow in his heart to never upset this woman.

We walk for another few hours in silence before Li Jun says "We should really set up camp for the night." I look to him and nod my head in agreement before stretching. My feet were actually really sore from all the walking. 

Li Jun looks around before saying "It should be safe here. Wait here for me while I go grab some things for a fire." I nod and say "That's works. I'll work on the food." He nods and walks away. I shift back into the rune and grab everything for a stew while dragging Mango out with me.

Mango pouts but I ignore him as I set up the pot and ingredients. When I'm done, I sit down on a fallen tree and wait for Li Jun to return. I could start a fire myself but I'll let him be useful. Suddenly, my thoughts drift off to Jinhai. An evil smile creeps across my face as a light giggle escapes from me.

Mango stiffens and slowly turns to look at me with fear in his little eyes. He knows that evil little giggle all too well...
