
Looking For An Answer

The following Morning I quietly exit the bed, careful not to wake Rune. I quickly get dressed and grab Fig before slipping out of the room. Once I made it out I go straight to the library. I was happy to see that Mrs. Tweet was not here so that left me all alone.

I placed Fig on the large chair and wrapped him up in a warm blanket before I went looking. Only ten minutes in and I was ready to call it quits... I didn't even know what I was looking for! Obviously I'm the only half human, half fae.. well I might not even be fae. Sigh.. This is why I can't find anything.

I decide to change my method and I start looking for ways to prolong a life any life.. or immortality.. something but short of selling my soul.. there wasn't anything I could find. The book on herbal drinks sure as hell was not the "life prolonging" solutions I was looking for. It was just good for you.. I even thought of maybe hooking myself up to an herbal drip.. like an IV but quickly dismissed the idea.

Even if I did that it wouldn't help.. I push the books away and lean my head against the cold table. What am I going to do? "Syn?" I hear Fig's sleepy little voice causing my head to whip up in surprise. He was sitting on the chair looking confused. I smile and walk over to him, scooping him up and giving him a large hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay.. you really scared me." I say softly and I feel him snuggle closer. "We are dying.. aren't we?" Fig's little voice ask and my heart breaks. "Yes.. but I'm trying to do everything I can to fix it. You can't let anyone know okay?" I feel him push against me so I let him go and he gives me a torn look.

"Shouldn't you tell Rune?" Fig ask and I bite my lip as I say "Nothing good will come from me telling him.. he can't fix this.. Even the old powerful dragon I met yesterday couldn't help and he's been around since the beginning. Sigh.. look it's not like I'm keeping it from him to hurt him.. It's to keep from hurting him."

Fig still doesn't look convinced and I say "Look.. I don't want to spend the last of my days with him looking at me with pity and heartbreak.. I want to spend the last of my time with nothing but happy memories.. I may have to leave him.. but at least I can leave him with happy, warm memories. Something that can keep him company, even when I'm gone.."

Fig sighs and says "Maybe you're right.. I don't really have anyone but you so it's not the same." I quickly hug him and say "You have me Fig.. In life and death... whether you like it or not!" I say trying to brighten the suddenly heavey moment. He gives me a large smile and says "Me too!"

I smile as he jumps to my shoulder. As I put all the books back away I fill Fig in on everything that has happened with Nexus and laugh when he recalls most of it as a dream. Just as I put the last book away I hear Rune's deep voice "What are you doing?" I turn to see him watching Fig and I with confusion.

"Uh.. I couldn't sleep so I wanted to read a little. Is everything okay?" I ask with a smile as I walk to him. He returns the smile after a few moments and says "I was just worried when I woke up and I didn't see you." I wrap my arms around his waist and burry my nose in his chest taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up." He wraps me in a warm hug and kisses the top of my head "Are you hungry?" Rune ask and Fig jumps "Yes! Starving!" We both laugh and make our way to the kitchen.
