
Never Fear

"We're here!" Cervantes spoke. But just as he finished his words, a spear struck him right in the chest, the Gae Bolg took down one of the Devastator's most elite players with one hit.



Your account has been permanently banned from the game of Conquest!

Cervantes woke up, frustrated at the notification, he got out of his gaming capsule and sat down, sighing.

"Man, I hope you make it skelly, I did all I could," Cervantes muttered to himself.

And now without him, there was no one else to share the feed of the battle between Skelly and Alfred.

Cervantes got down to his living room, his mother and father were smiling at him, "You did good son," said the father, "You made us proud of you, now all is left is for Skelly to beat that old geezer and you'll be remembered as a hero."

"I hope so, pops, but that's very difficult, Albert currently has all the skills of the monsters he consumed in the game, and they're not pretty."
