
We don't need no stinkin' plot armor!

The slender numinous being, hovering in a globe of holy-light, built along the same scale as Drahma. Clad in pearlescent white and glowing gold armor, its eight rainbow-feathered wings wafted gently to keep it aloft. The golden spear in its hand was pointed accusingly at the Undead King.

"Foul un-Dead THING. Your Time of Reckoning is NOW!" the angelic creature thundered in what sounded like the voices of a choir singing hymns. Then it released a ray of white energy from the spear, attacking the Death Heart.

The Undead King teleported in front of the white light. He whirled the light-eating sword, creating a black disk that consumed the light. But holy entities had a great advantage over the undead.

When the angel first appeared Dementi, Dagla and Samael immediately tried to go to the aid of their king.
