
Grumpy old man

Lone and Dave headed up the slope, the yetis chasing after them.

"There!," Lone pointed at a crack in one of the walls of the glaciers, barely large enough for a person to enter.

They squeezed through the entrance and headed deeper in.

"This is an ice-cave system, the person I need to meet is on the other side!" Lone was gleeful.

Dave stopped and turned, he was looking back at the entrance.

"Why are you stopping Davey?"

"I want to see if the yetis can get through the opening."

"The entrance is too small for them," Lone said.

A yeti appeared in the opening, blocking the light and howling at them.It started smashing at the ice to enlarge the entrance. With every hit from the yetis it made the path wider.

The cave continued in a straight line.

"They will get through in no time. Let's move. I hope this place has an exit." Dave turned and they ran deeper into the cave system.

A loud crashing sound reverberated through the cave.
