
The Last Day of Age 737 On Planet Vegeta

Several weeks later, on the last day of age 737 he happily celebrated with Jewel her birthday, which is surprisingly today the same as Son Goku on the last date of the year, who with his Ki Sense he can see at this very moment is peacefully asleep, floating in his incubator at his home, his mother Gine in the kitchen preparing a huge meal for her family while outside he can see Bardock who is here on a break from his latest mission talking to his oldest son Raditz about how to put power into a fist before they suddenly jump apart, then Bardock makes a beckoning gesture wearing an excited smile while Kid Raditz also with an excited smile burst forward towards his father unleashing a series of punches and kicks.

Turning his attention to another area he focuses on a private training chamber where a young Kid Vegeta wearing his typical cocky scowl upon his face furiously battles against 5 Saibamen, madly engaging in a mixture of close quarters melee combat with several energy blasts and energy bullets interspaced in-between.

Outside the training chambers with his arms crossed wearing a solemn expression on his face as he closely observes his training progress is Nappa who occasional compliments Kid Vegeta before giving a few pointers on how to more efficiently kill his opponents.

Then focusing behind the Palace at a private launch pad he can see a grim looking King Vegeta talking to his youngest son Tarble who is only a few years old clad in a typical Saiyan blue skintight combat jumpsuit and body armor, lecturing him for several minutes about how he is far too weak for a Saiyan prince, lacking even the most basic amount of fighting talent making him the greatest disgrace of the Saiyan Royal family, then he emotionlessly orders him off the world for an indefinite period of time before mercilessly kicking him into an awaiting open attack pod followed by a dismissive gesture which causes the attack pods door to harshly close with an ominous "THUNK" upon which the attack pod automatically begins to hum for several seconds before rapidly blasting off into space shrouded in a white aura already preprogrammed for a remote world personally selected by King Vegeta himself.

As King Vegeta turns back towards the palace wearing a solemn expression on his face Broly manages to hear him barely mutter beneath his breath "be safe my son" as he grimly marched onward, his shoulders slightly lowering briefly before rising again as though he had once again shouldered a heavy burden he was quite familiar with before becoming accustomed to its weight once again, the weight of a ruler.

Opening his eyes a myriad of thoughts flashed like bolts of green lightning within the peerless emerald orbs then with a blink return to their normal passive state as he turned and faced towards a mountain of food with a pair of small shapely white thigh-high boot tightly clad legs visible beneath it slowly approaching him causing a look of disbelief to appear on his face, his mouth going slack as his jaw dropped while he suddenly wondered in disbelief how she had managed to get thru the door without dropping anything.

With a crashing "BOOM" Jewel dropped the giant tray holding the mountain of various dishes upon a large metallic workbench which despite their harsh handling remained intact and whole. With practiced ease Jewel quickly disassembled the mountain spreading various dishes across a large table she had set up the previous day in front of his incubator. Looking at the various delectable dishes Broly suppressed his urge to drool for he could already taste them with his powerful imagination alone.

Rushing back out the door she soon returned dragging a large metal keg-like barrel twice her height with a flashy label which read in bright bold letters "NEW 7 Flavor Space Soda - Every Sip is a Different Flavor" which apparently was quite heavy for the metallic bottom was making sparks as it scraped against the smooth dark silvery metal floor.

With a "HAAA" followed by another "BOOM" she dropped the massive keg next to the table before dusting her hands off on each other. Going towards another workbench covered with various devices in different stages of completion she was working on she dug around for a bit before she cried out joyfully "Found It" then quickly bounded like a jackrabbit back to the Soda Keg holding a long silvery metallic hose several feet long with a spigot on one end and a complex connector on the other end.

With a single jump she effortless leaped onto the top of the Keg and quickly with a hiss skillfully worked the complex connector attaching it to the connection on the top of the Soda keg before with a back flip leap of the Keg landing smoothly on her two feet fully upright.

Grasping the other end of the hose with the squeeze spigot a large metallic tankard appeared in her other hand as she gave the spigot a few squeezes cause a constantly color changing bubbling fluid to squirt out several times before she felt it was satisfactory then proceeded to fill the metal tankard to the brim.

Slapping the hissing and bubbling metal tankard on the table haphazardly she sat down next to it as she gazed at the numerous tasty dishes before reaching into her lab coat and withdrawing a silvery metallic baton 6 inches long.

Pressing a button on the side the baton grew thinner as the end quickly morphed one after the other into several different utensils before finally stopping in the shaped of a large silvery spork.
