
War (part 4)

"Rahz we need to head back there is no way to stop the Kobolds anymore we can't stay here"

Rahz was still fighting and killing Kobolds desperately and had not realize that he was almost alone. There were 30 people left at most and they were all trying to head back to the village among the cooper bullets.

Looking at the people he grew up with dead on the ground filled Rahz with different emotions, there was rage, despair, sadness but most of all fear. The fear of losing his parents, all throughout the fight it never occurred to him that it could happen. Rahz looked at the incoming Kobolds and quickly move back while dodging the missiles.

Bang.. Boom.. screech

Ore hit the trees with extreme force and sounded like bullets while traveling fast in the air. Some trees felt to the ground while 30 Barbarians ran for their lives.

While running back Rahz saw a few people get hit in the legs and dropped to the floor while others had their chest pierce and died on the spot.


Rahz managed to pick up one that was wounded on the legs and brought him close to the village while Elune gave him a healing potion to help with the wound. It was total chaos and the worst of all was that there were still 700 Kobolds coming their way and there was nobody to take care of them.

"What are you doing Rahz? You Can't take on them alone, you will die and not accomplished anything".

"I can't let them come closer an put more pressure on the village"

Rahz saw 3 runes illuminate and flew like a meteor towards the incoming horde. Immolation Aura burned everything around him one more time but the Kobolds avoid him the best they could while heading to the village. Once the red flame died down he was surrounded by 100 enemies that attack together with their makeshift pick axes. Elune had tears in her eyes as she cast a healing ward when....


A massive explosion was heard at the mouth of the mine were the Kobold general was suppose to be giving orders. A humongous mushroom of fire and smoke raise to the clouds and all the Kobolds that were heading to the village turned around to defend their homes.

Rahz saw the fire and instead of relaxing a little, he ran in the direction of the village to fight along the side of his parents. The further into the village Rahz went, the bigger the number of corpses on the ground, some of the corpses were from his teachers and other from the Mothers and Fathers of some of his friends.

Rahz ran as fast as he could towards the other side of the village where his family was fighting while tears ran down his face. It took about 5 minutes to get from the west side to the east side and It was a pretty straight road.

Rahz was about 100 feet from the battle and saw his mother about 20 feet from his father Casting a healing spell on a group of allies while his dad was stabbing one of the leaders that he had managed pin down to the ground with his shield.

Rahz was just about to Relax after seeing his family was O.K but what happened next from Rahz perspective took an eternity.

Rhaen was just finishing up the Rogue when Rahz saw Dark Smoke condensed behind his father's back and an individual materialized stabbing at Rhaens Heart.


Rhaen turned immediately but it was too late. Legolas Sword went in deep inside Rhaen's chest and went straight through his heart.

Rahz lifted his arm and called out to his father, who looked in Rahz direction smiled and said, " Take care of your mother, and live well"

Rhaen grabbed Legolas arms and then activated the third blessing of the God of Valor "Self Sacrifice" It took a lot of courage to sacrifice oneself for others and so the third blessing allowed the follower to compress his life force energy into his Rune and then detonated creating a blast 10 feet around the caster.


Legolas tried to use Fade to evade the blast but he wasn't fast enough and neither were the remaining bandit leaders.

Etta got hit by the shockwave and flew forward and lost her consciousness for a second or two before coming to, Cerdic and Mogho turned to look and so did everybody else.

Legolas felt to the floor with burns and a missing arm but he was still alive and so... Rhaen's energy Experience flew into him increasing his level. Legolas felt his level increased but couldn't even rejoice before his head was split in two by Rahz who flew in using Leaping Strike.

All it was left of Rhaen was a dark burned mark on the floor. When Rahz saw it, his knees dropped to the floor. He looked around and saw so many friends and neighbors dead on the ground and something snap.


It had been four years since his fight with the Bear, It had been four years since he felt the need to destroy everything in sight. Rahz's eyes started to turned red as the rune of awakening started heating up and absorbing energy at a fast pace. His killing intent was so intense that it made everyone take two steps back.

The energy radiating from his body started to make the blood coming out from his wounds fly upwards and then disappearing into thin air adding fuel to the Dark Red fire.

At this moment Legolas Energy Experience that had absorb Rhaen's Energy came flowing in, Raising Rahz Level to Level 14. The pressure the chaos energy was giving off from his Runes made everybody around flinch.

To make matters worse, a Purple flame floated in the air and devoured all the Bandits corpses including Legolas, absorbing the energy necessary to break through the shell.

Crack... Crack

An ominous energy started to flow out of the Egg and mixed with Rahz's aura completely. A maniacal laughed was heard as a 6 ft magic rune appeared like a shadow on Rahz's back and two purple arms came out walking through the door, the torso was humanoid like but his face was reptilian like, two black eyes as dark as night stare at its new environment. Inside his mouth there were rows of purple teeth and a purple flame that could be taken as its hair stood like a crown.

The creature was about 5 feet tall and when it move the ground grimace a little from the heaviness of its body. The creature move towards Rahz that was still on his knees and said "Kin" before taken a bite out of Rahz shoulder who was going through a transformation.

The creature swallow Rahz meat and immediately a new rune appeared below the chaos rune on Rahz' back which had a purple color and a slight different pattern.

The Witch Doctor saw the creature and gulped.. " A child of chaos indeed... How did that company get their hands on that Egg "

Without thinking Elune asked, "What kind of creature is it?"


"Is the Engine of Destruction, The Demonic Species known as Val'gun"

Rahz looked around with his red eyes and said " ALL THIS DEATH FOR A FUCKING PIECE OF METAL!!!"



The red energy around Rahz went inside his body and the skill Bloodlust was activated. Rahz held his Iron Axe with one arm and the knife his father gave him in the other and proceeded to divide orcs left and right.

"Destroy!!! Destroy!!!" screamed Riddick while casting a spell called Chaos Rain on the enemies outside the village. A huge magic circle opened in the sky and massive balls of chaos fire descended in and area burning everything to ashes. The Orcs and bandits screamed while they were burn alive, some even rolled on the ground trying to extinguish the fire but nothing work. Riddick opened his mouth and inhaled all the chaos fire back in while he set his attention on another area of enemies.

"Judgment!! Punishment!!" Said Riddick while Chaos Chains sprang from underneath the feet of 20 people in another area and bound their bodies completely for Rahz to send them off.

It was a massacre, without the bandits leaders anybody that had a head on their shoulders started to run before they end up in half or as ashes on the floor. The frostwolfs didn't have that luxury, they were being massacre by the Red Demon that divided 5 people with each swing of his Axe and chopped heads off with his knife.

They were being slaughter and Mogho knew that it was over. He need it to stop the Red Demon but would he be able to, the moment he tried to move not only Cerdic attacked him but Holy Fire dropped from the sky and tried to incinerate him.

Mogho drop his weapons to the floor and screamed we surrender but Rahz would not have it. he continued to kill like a beast without reason while Mogho drop to his knees and begged for his people that had also dropped their weapons and kneeled on the ground. All the Barbarians were afraid of getting chopped as well by Rahz so nobody wanted to step in.

Rahz was going to kill every single Orc that attacked no matter if they surrender or not, it was the only way to vent his frustration at his inability to protect his father.

Etta saw her son about to slaughter unarmed people and quickly jump in from of him to stop it.


Etta slap Rahz's face and said "Your father was not a cold blooded killer!!! He fought to protect others.. If he saw what you were about to do, he would beat the shit out of you"

Rahz looked at the face of his mother who was staring at him with tears in her eyes, and as his eyes came back to normal his weapons dropped to the floor. Before everyone could sighed in relief, Rahz hugged his mother and wept.
