
Jack of all trades, master of none (4)

She just stared at me with her big eyes, as if she did not care what I did to her. Such a strange woman, she did not scream nor start to insult me all the time. She just changes her character the way the situation fits the most, at least superficially. Those people are the worst to deal with because you never knew what is the truth or what is just fabricated.

Even after I had penetrated left hand as well she only let one scream out and nothing else. Looking at her there her eyes became stoic as she stared into my eyes. She wanted to deny me any kind of satisfaction.

I would have really taken her spite seriously if I had not seen her blinking before. Each time she closed her eyes and reopened them she could change her character and therefore her magic. Is this kind of reaction caused by giving away my plan too early?

It is time to thoroughly crush that illusion of hers. I just stood there and watched her, waiting for the right moment. She blinked once and spoke to me.

"Is that all that you have got and you promised to break my pride, how foolish."

Unfortunately, you are the foolish one, you have not recognized, that you played right into my hand all the time. I am sure you are dying to know about what I am. Since you are so helpless now I will share some knowledge with you.

Let me start by talking about, those projectiles that flew at you. Those projectiles are nothing more, than some spiked hair.

I ripped 4 pieces out and laid them on my hands to show them to her.

On their own, those things are not quite particularly damaging, but if they come into contact with skin, it is quite wondrous how easy they are able to penetrate your skin.

I drove them into my right thigh one by one and each one did so with ease. I threw several punches on my leg to showcase how simple it is to penetrate such a thick skin, that is otherwise resistant to blunt force.

"So it's just some hair, that is stopped by a minuscule amount of mana, a nice "weapon" you have there.

I have to agree it is not a strong weapon when you compare it to any kind of magic. I would always choose magic over it. But you are seriously mistaken if you base your judgement on that decision. Its main advantage is the fact that I can be combined with different objects to create a different effect.

You saw it yourself, the combination of fire and hair was lot more of a threat to you, then a single hair. There are several more combination, that can serve different purposes and that makes them such a great tool. Especially if you want to kill unsuspecting enemies.

I pulled the hairs out of my thigh and put them right in front of her eyes to stare at them.

" Are they supposed to be special or something else?"

She questioned me with a gaze full of contempt

No like I said those hairs are not special in any way. The special thing about is that they are laced with some neurotoxin.

Before she got an opportunity to close her eyes again, I forced her eyes to stay open by impaling both the upper and lower parts of her eyelids with my hairs.

She cried out in pain and looked at me in sheer terror

"What did you do to me? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?"

I just injected a poison into to your eyelids, that prevents you from closing your eyes and there you are now incapable of mimicking other people. Did you take me for a fool, not being able to put two and two together? If you blink any time you switch your magic, even an idiot would notice. Just how dumb do you take me for?

At first, I just thought you would switch your character traits to adapt to my conversation, but you made the mistake of gesturing as well. Remember our whole conversation did happen without any word actually being spoken.

But gestures are used to underline the intent or meaning behind words and just why did your gestures give you away?

Gestures are supposed to be used with the language not afterwards. It can be used at the end of a sentence for sure, but doing it all the time made me a bit suspicious and then I started to pay attention.

And what can I say, just with the slightest bit of suspicion your whole act begins to crumble. You blink in a únatural frequency and the switch between your language and your actions is not fluent enough. Your whole act and aura did not fit your character at all. The tempo and choice of words you used did not fit your character as well.

The character you played, wanted to be near me to get trained and learn to fight from me, you even added some personal notes by acting in a mischievous and playful manner. But why would that character insist on getting trained by me, after I clearly told you about the disadvantages of it? Especially after you threw the whole narrative away.

Everything you did was contradictory and miraculously you always chose to say those things that would keep me interested by including my thoughts. Did you seriously think that I would not question it? Or are you so full of yourself, that you thought it would end up well for you regardless of what I did?

I will become invincible if I just copy all the strong but you neither have their experience nor their level of control over magic. You lack the very essence of what makes them strong. The only thing you inherit is the flaws each character has. Being too confident or too thoughtful. How does a mere copycat dream of surpassing the originals?

They once were weak as well, but did they look elsewhere for strength? Their source of strength is the work they themselves put in, but you just took the short cut.

You look down on others, who have the same dream as you, you belittle them for their lack of talent. But of course you are special, you can copy the strong. Therefore you way more valuable than the weak mob. And one day you will surpass even your idols.

Yet with all that potencial of yours, you still lost to a pathetic little creature like me, I am curious what does that make out of you? My answer would be a jack of all trades, but a master of none, but that idiom would not make any sense to you.

Quite frankly I could not care less what you make yourself out to be. Just know the way you are now, you will never be able to beat your idols with their magic and if you stay like that, you will never be able to take revenge against me no matter how hard you try.

What you decide to do, after hearing all this is not my problem. Having said that, I still owe you for that attempt to kill me in cold blood, while I was planning on what to tell you. So the upcoming part is purely your punishment.

Right now, you are currently trying to drive out the poison, so do not blame me for preventing it with the help of my hairs as a precaution. You will not mind if I stick those hairs through your upper and lower eyelid and connect them to the skin right?

You also will not mind, that I will put some more hairs on your body right? But fret not, your punishment will serve a greater purpose in the end. I get to know many things, about the anatomy of a human body in this world. It is just a shame that I can not cut you open directly, without risking death. After all, I do not want to incite the anger of the gods, for such a silly fight, with nothing at stake.

" Do whatever you want, but just be sure that your judgement day will come, because cause the gods are just."

Sorry to destroy your illusion yet again. Nothing in this world is fair or just. I mean the sentiment that might make right solely exists because the world is unfair. You were born with your talent others did not have that luck, their fate is to be cannon fodder to make you shine. You will shine and he will die. This world does not care for the individual, it does not care about whether a fly like me exists in this fictional plane. So please talk about justice or injustice as much as you like to, it will not change the very nature of the system you live in.

Now, lets start.
