
Kai's Struggle

Dahak's colossal body crashed back onto the earth from the shadow dimension that he had created. Sheridan's suicide attempt and take Dahak with him had failed, but he had managed to cause the great dragon of darkness grievous injuries.

The only reason that he had survived was that he had twisted the entire fabric of reality inside his shadow dimension to protect himself from the all-destroying explosion.

The shadow dimension had shattered like glass after containing the majority of the force that went off as all of the reality inside the dimension had been destroyed and the spacial laws had been completely warped to the point of complete destruction. Dahak still received the remaining blast and the force destroyed much of his body. But he had gotten what he had come for- Sheridan's power.

The pretence that he had given the world was that he was after the blood orb inside Kai. While it was true that it was a bonus and one of the things that he had desired, it wasn't the true goal. No, what he wanted was to become whole again- to become the true dragon of equality and achieve his previous level of power.

This had been his desire for several millennia and he wasn't about to be stopped by Sheridan's suicide. No, while his dimension had shattered, he had managed to salvage and retrieve Sheridan's core- the accumulation of his law of light as well as magic and essence.

But unfortunately, his soul had vanished. He guessed it was sent to oblivion, or the more likely option was that it had been destroyed by his suicidal attack.

Now that Dahak had managed to reclaim the law of light all he had to do was to reconnect with it and merge it with his own magical core.

After that, he would return to the level of a demigod and then break down the orb inside his stomach. He wasn't sure what it could do but he was aware that it had been touched by the personification of Space. At least it had encountered him in the flesh, or more accurate its physical form and he was going to discover what secrets were hidden in it.

After a few minutes of recovery he had managed to keep his body stabilised, he then started to absorb Sheridan's core. But he felt something that was touched by darkness start to rise from his stomach and climb up his long throat. He started to push it down and quell it with his law of darkness, but there was almost something barring him from pushing against it, it could use the law of darkness too, while it wasn't to his level it was able to stop him from pushing him down.

He involuntarily had his mouth pried open by two bone covered claws as the Devil emerged from his mouth.


Inside the primordial dragon's stomach was a bone-covered body that was floating inside a pool of corrosive darkness. This pool was the digestive acids that Dahak's body had created and could easily melt a Lord in mere seconds.

But Devil Kai's body had reached a near unprecedented level of toughness and the acids would take an incredibly long time to digest him. Devil Kai was currently unconscious and inside his mind was a raging war.

Devil Kai had managed to take over the control of the body but Kai had managed to keep some of his mind untarnished, however, that part had been locked up and had become the "dark" part of Devil Kai's mind. Not unlike how Devil Kai was previously when he was locked inside Kai's mind.

The only reason that Kai's mind had not collapsed or had been swallowed up by Devil Kai was the severing of the link between him and Harry. It was what gave him his resolve and will to survive.

Over the years Kai had raised Harry like he was his own and he had grown to love him like a son. And the common saying " a mother would lift a car for her child" was in effect here. Only instead of the mother, it was the father. Kai had managed to keep his sane mind in one piece with pure willpower, out of the dedication and love for him.

His love for Harry was truly overpowering and he had finally found a drive to live for. Earlier in the HP world, he had done everything for himself and drifted around trying to find a way to return to earth to meet up with his family but now he finally had someone that he wanted to protect- his child.

This was the last straw and he had decided to throw away any desires to return to his previous world or family as he had gained a new one now- Harry and god be damned if he was going to let anybody stop him from saving his son. His old world deserved to stay in his memories and that was a world for normal humans, there were no supernatural elements there and that was how it was going to stay.

He had hidden inside Devil Kai's conscious, which was surprisingly easy to do as all that was inside the consciousness was rage and a desire to destroy. All he had to do was hide in the destroyed parts and that was it. Devil Kai's consciousness was reminiscent to a partially destroyed city. And he stayed in the destroyed parts.

As he hid, he had started to gain power from the surroundings- Dahak's body. Due to him being the "darkness" inside Devil Kai's mind he could absorb the darkness inside Dahak and grow rapidly in power.

As he continued to absorb the darkness, he had started to understand the law of darkness due to gaining Dahak's own experiences and understandings.

This wouldn't be normally possible, but as Dahak had allowed Kai to enter his body when he had swallowed him, he had given him access to his law. This was essentially a holy land for those that used darkness and Kai was part of the darkness, thus he could easily absorb the law.

He grew inside Devil Kai's mind until he rivalled his power but it still wasn't enough, he needed to be more powerful than Devil Kai, not his equal. He was the master of his body and he wouldn't let him have another chance to rise.

If Dracul's story had shown anything then he had to crush Devil Kai. There would have to be no chance that he could return and gain power. Thus, he continued to absorb power until he had enough.

While he was absorbing the energy and power, he had felt an incredibly weak presence coming out of the outside. It was a soul, or to be specific Dracul's soul. As he knew that he was going to beat Devil Kai he decided to save Dracul's soul by absorbing it into the blood orb and keeping it safe in a bubble. He would visit Dracul's soul later.

After gaining the necessary control and understanding over the law of darkness he rushed to the main consciousness of Devil Kai. There he easily crushed him with an anticlimactic battle and discovered how powerful his soul had become. It was no longer the weaker than normal soul that was at the beginning, where any soul could easily destroy it.

Instead, he had managed to destroy a soul fragment that was on the level of an emperor like it was nothing. He proceeded to find the scattered slivers that had survived the original confrontation and crushed them.

While doing so he thought to himself ' I am the master here not a soul fragment.' After the confrontation, he woke up and found himself in control of his body.

However, he felt different, he knew he looked different. If before Devil Kai was a huge and overwhelming berserker. Then the current Kai was a cold martial artist. His physique had shrunken to the optimal body that allowed the most flexibility, power and speed to be released.

Over that the rest of his appearance hadn't changed much apart from a few particular body parts. The first and foremost was the horns if before they were curled back to the back of his head, then now he had them jutting out of his head in the form of straight and sharp horns. He had a second pair that was coming out of the side of his head and was curling downwards like a bighorn sheep.

The second change was the eyes, this change was the most subtle of them all. His eyes had two glowing orange orbs inside the sockets full of hellfire. These were the runic eyes, the previous mind had abandoned them as they were better for foreseeing the attacks and predicting which spell or technique was being used.

Instead, it had decided to go the path of a berserker and strategy had been shot out of the window, so these eyes were unneeded. But Kai was intelligent and read his opponents moves. Thus, he had subconsciously added his eyes back to his current form.

The last and final change was his mouth, his jaw was now considerably more similar to that of a normal human skeleton apart from the needle-like teeth that were inside the mouth. Previously the jaw had been outstretched like that of a wolf.

After his changes were examined, he decided to leave and he scurried up Dahak's throat. But not before sampling Dahak's blood and devouring it. He was one of the most powerful beings on the planet if not the strongest living being. After opening the dragon's considerably weaker mouth he jumped out and noticed that he was much weaker than before. There were many burns, cuts and gashes on his body and his very presence was much weaker.

His previous overwhelming aura had disappeared and instead, he felt like a burned out candle- at the end of its life. But he knew better than to underestimate him.

Even if he was injured it would be a difficult fight. And as he suspected, when Dahak felt the aura that was slightly weaker than his own coming off Kai's body, he absorbed all of the current understanding of the law of light from Sheridan's core and with it, healed his body, getting in peak form. At least to the most that he could at the moment as he didn't have much energy left.

So nobody has tried to access the discord which means I don't have much to create and thus when the current arc finishes after a few chapters I will have a break so that I can plan the arc properly. So I really hope that whoever can, will leave suggestions in the discord.

dragonfang1917creators' thoughts