
Warm welcome and a female touch

Year 2018

Qin XiuTing felt unjustified. The college principal, Sir Lee has just asked her to be a guide for a new transfer student. For 3 whole months! When she asked him why her, the school's vice president and not the president himself, he told her because new transferees needed warm welcomes and a female touch. Also the president, being the school's star athletic has many competitions and training practices, so how could he be disturbed?

'And she could?' Qin XiuTing huffed quietly to herself, what about her studies, does she not need time too to be the school's academic ace? As a Year 1 student, it was pretty impressive that Qin XiuTing got to be the school's vice president but that was because all her teachers saw the hard work and responsibility she put into her studies and felt there was no better choice than her.

"Sir, what about the cheerleaders? They will definitely provide greater welcome services."

Qin XiuTing once again tried to wriggle her way out of this situation. "No way!" Sir Lee was so quick and swift to response that he scared XiuTing a little. Noticing that, Sir Lee gentled his voice and explained, "the cheerleaders are good at reception, but they, -ahem-, lack the knowledge to give a proper guidance and help the student out in academics, sports, and more, especially academics. I know you are superb at your academics so I can only trust you with this, Miss Qin."

Sir Lee of course could not tell her the reason he chose her was because the transferee's parents had donated a big sum of money to the college and their only condition was to get their son a good student guide from the student committee to ensure he studies well and improves in his academics.

By far, Qin XiuTing was the most talented in academics in this college and she is also in the student committee, hence she was picked. Sports-wise, although she was not known for it, one look at her physique and anyone can tell she diligently works out frequently. Also, Sir Lee had spotted Qin XiuTing running on the school tracks late one night when he pulled a over-time and he was suitably impressed by her stamina and resilience. She ran for an hour straight without resting, maintaining almost the same pace throughout.

Who does not like hearing praises about themselves? Hearing the principal praising her and putting her in such a high position, although XiuTing knew it was all just talk, but her resolved wavered for a while and she could not think of any other rebuttals. "But... I..." Sir Lee was resolute about his decision, he was also looking to end this conversation as soon as possible as he still had a lot of paperwork to look through and hence was more strict.

"No buts, I called you here to inform you, not to negotiate or ask you. From Monday onwards, you are the new transferee guide. I expect you to be punctual and report to my office at 7.30 a.m. that day. Now go and attend your lessons, you have been out of class long enough."

XiuTing could see Sir Lee was done with the conversation and reluctantly left the room. Inwardly, Qin XiuTing sighed. Now she had to be extra early for school, on a Monday. She could not have told him the real reason she did not want to be the new student guide was because she is basically an outcast in college. This will only drag the new student's reputation down.

Also, she did not easily want to get close to others of her age ever since the incident with Wu YongKang. Just the name made her hair stand on their edges and her eyebrows furrowed. XiuTing is very afraid of making new friends and having them betray her and had been on her guard ever since the incident.

Speaking of the devil, as Qin XiuTing left the college's management office and head to her locker, she sees Wu YongKang walking towards her from the opposite direction from the toilets. Curse him, out of all the schools he could have picked, why did he have to be in the same college as her?

On high alert, XiuTing swiftly opened her locker, took out her backpack, closed the locker and walked back up the hallway she came from. After all, her class was at the opposite hallway of the locker area and the management office was in the middle. All this happened in less than 2 minutes and Wu YongKang did not have a chance to catch up with her before she was already in her class, passing her excuse pass to the lecturer. XiuTing is considered lucky as most of YongKang's modules were different from hers so she does not need to see YongKang all the time.

Darn it, that girl is getting more and more cunning! Wu YongKang thought as he proceeded back to his class. Sitting in his seat, he got distracted by the thought of seeing Qin XiuTing leave the management office. Students who go in there either are going to be severely punished by the principal or greatly rewarded.

Qin XiuTing could not have been the former, so was it the latter? But try as hard as he might, YongKang could not think of anything that XiuTing as done recently that is good for the school. He would know, as he had been keeping tabs on her, to ensure she never get too happy that she forgot she had hurt him so.

Bahhh, everything Qin XiuTing does is wrong to him, it is useless and not beneficial of him to waste so much brain cells dwelling on the matter. Just nice as Wu YongKang began paying attention to the lesson, the lecturer appointed him to answer a question. Good that he has friends, unlike Qin XiuTing, he scoffed quietly, as his friends provided him with the answers.

Qin XiuTing, just you wait, I will get back at you!


Extra: No, the school's president is not Wu YongKang. He is after all also only a year one and while he is good in certain sports, he is not all-rounded like the president is.

Huhuhuee~ The president is a year 2 (There are maximum only 3 years in this school).

A new hottie? Heartthrob? Stay tuned to find out!! Hehehehe!!!

Also, I am very sorry that so far you only know 2 characters..name..3 counting the next up-coming male lead.. I will try my best to bring in more characters! But please remember that XiuTing is a quiet and reserved girl so it will be a little hard :-))

Wee~!!! Im so excited! Then main male lead is appearing soon! Can't wait hehe! On a side note, as the author, even when I am writing the roles of Wu YongKang, I also sometimes get disgusted by him hahaha.. So am I actually getting disgusted at myself? Since I am after all sort of their mums heh heh.

Xeslynncreators' thoughts