
An Image with Feeling

The battle raged on as the Dark Zephyr Mark III Revision 2 quietly slipped away.

The large and formidable jureg warships were still pummeling the defensive ring with their primary armaments. Their excellent sieging capabilities and their willingness to empty out their reserves of Aquapen Rounds meant that the defensive works were crumbling far faster than usual!

Defensive installations worth as much as second-class capital ships or more were crumbling in droves. Large orbital space fortresses started to launch evacuation pods and shuttles as the highly-trained station operators needed to be brought away before the large structures collapsed in their entirety.

Expensive first-class multipurpose mechs started to fall at an increasing rate.

The enemy gunships predominantly fired transphasic rounds that shred through the azure energy shields of the first-class multipurpose mechs with much greater ease.
