
Three Judges

According to Calabast's take on the situation, the Ylvainan Inquisition came up with a plan to neutralize the opposition from the Curins and the Kronons.

The two leading dynasties both stood behind Ves and ensured his safety. Yet they were only able to lend their support to a foreigner so long as their core interests weren't at stake.

The three leading dynasties jointly ruled the Ylvaine Protectorate for centuries without falling out, but that didn't mean they lived in harmony with each other. Each of them emphasized a different vision of Ylvainan society.

Of the three dynasties, the Poxcos were the most fervent in their faith. This meant that even as the other two dynasties slowly drifted towards the reform agenda, the Attendants of Ylvaine firmly remained in the camp of the traditionalists.
