
Sebastian Rohill

The arrow had already left the bow. Now that Ves threw out his request, Leland enthusiastically began to put the pieces together for the kidnapping and disposal operation.

While Ves only requested the kidnapping, the Leland insisted on the disposal part in order to cut off any loose ends.

Even though Ves had half a mind to cancel the request, the intelligence officer fully bought into his arguments as to why they needed to interrogate one of the mech technicians working at the Ansel Complex.

Ves truly needed to ask some questions. He just felt uneasy about the price to accomplish this without drawing any suspicion from the KNG.

After spending a lot of time around Flashlight's people, he should have been more cognizant of their modus operandi. Prizing secrecy at all costs, they weren't above dirtying their hands as long as they achieved their goals!
