
Poorly planned, Well Executed

Kyera continued following Prince Alexi as he lead her through the complex over the walls. Trying to pay attention, but also trying to take in what's going on below. After All some guards might take offense to a tiger above their heads.. if they noticed her.  Then again, they didn't really seem to see her which was a double edged sword. On one hand it was great because she wasn't going to get stabbed but on the other hand what if she had murderous intentions? She would have to try this again human.

Alexi stopped suddenly and Kyera followed suit, looking at the crouching prince curiously. Where Clovis was Elegant and delicate looking his brother was more a warrior. Muscled structure, a strong jawline that struck a amazing silhouette against the warm sunlight. The shadows cast over his body showing off his physique in a way Kyera could appreciate. Her eyes followed his outstretched arm, to his hand pointing some ways below them.

Kyera turned, perching rather difficulty on the ledge looking down. He was indicating a building. It was the same smooth stone as the rest of the palace. Symbols etched into the stonework to mean good luck, prosperity and animals representing past dynasties and influential Queens. However, the window was her focus. She   caught his sent moments before she saw him.

Clovis was sitting at the head of a table while several men argued just beyond him. He seemed to be taking detailed notes, but as Kyera looked closer she realized he was sketching. A woman by the look of the figure. She felt a small twinge in her heart and brushed it away as pain from the position of the ledge beneath her.

She turned to bid Alexi goodbye but the man had already disappeared before she got the chance. Kyera sighed and turned taking a moment to gauge the gap between herself and the window. Figuring what the heck, she leaped. Making it to the window was easy, but going through it and landing gracefully turned out to be natural. The arguing at the table stopped as she turned to look at them. Clovis was too distracted by his sketch to notice her entrance but when they fell silent he looked up.


Clovis blinked slowly as the guard rushed forward and surrounded her. Moon watched them approach and sat down like a kitten tilting her great head as if to appear harmlessly confused. This was quite a challenge to a cat with a mouthful of long, sharp teeth and power that could break their spears like twigs with a sweep of a paw. Nevertheless, she tried and somewhat succeeded. A few of the guards seemed to recognize her, lowering their swords a bit and glancing at each other as if looking for confirmation.

Moon stood back up, seeming uneasy and Clovis realized this could go badly. So instead of letting it progress he spoke up waving the men aside. "Men, allow Moon in. You doubtlessly recognize my familiar." Clovis reminded them with a soft sigh. He was so pleased to see her but wondered why she had to make such a entrance. Then again. She was a wild Cat still. He had to be patient.

The guards moved away, releived not to be facing down this Tiger with killing intent. Moon, now free to move and be beckoned forth, walked to his side looking up at him with warmth in her golden eyes. The connection was rekindled instantly, though neither party was quite sure what that warmth was. He reached out and stroked that patch of fur right between her eyes in slow soothing motions. Despite herself. Moon purred setting her chin on the edge of his chair as her eyes lazily closed at the affectionate caress. It felt way better than it should have… and she couldn't bring herself to pull away dignity be damned.

Noticing the Tiger wasn't a threat, the general sheathed his sword and cleared his throat. Walking nonchalantly back to his seat from the position he had taken next to Clovis he began to speak. "Sir should we continue?" the General asked motioning to his current plan to decrease military spending without loss of power. Clovis nodded, one hand resting on Moons brow, the other on his pen continuing his notes as the general dived back into his explanation.
