
Aggie Part 1

Sunshine is both amazing, and a curse. Though the sunlight made colors pop and the shadows harder to hide within it also made scents harder to discern. Looking for the shop was a lot harder when the smells of food and sweat filled the air. Kyera sighed looking around wishing she had paid more attention to street signs rather than smells in the area.

She wandered quietly near the Tiger's Eye shop, the familiar stall was closed, no one seemed to have been there for a while. The door was locked and dust seemed to coat the windows from the inside. Her heart hurt a bit as she realized the tribe wasn't keeping the income flowing. Not that it was much of a surprise, she never really expected them to. No one was really comfortable enough around the humans to run it.

Kyera heard a familiar chuckle behind her and turned knowing exactly what to expect. Aggie was watching from nearby, a basket over her forearm filled with all sorts of glass and vials, most of them empty. The stoppers just kinda resting next to the vials. She offered a sweet smile and Kyera grinned back turning and walking back to her.

"So, your alive and outside the castle gates…" Aggie greeted with a rather large grin. Kyera sighed nodding as she hugged her old friend. Tears gathered in her eyes at the contact, finally able to let some of the emotions rush through her. Here in the village, no one thought anything of it. Two women embracing in such emotion was somewhat expected compared to the right etiquette of the palace gates.

Mally was a connection to the past and all the things that once met so much but there was so much she didn't know. So many pains kyera was not ready to share, and she wasn't sure Mally would understand even if she did explain them. Aggie however, she knew the things that had happened, the sacrifices that had to be made just to get this far. It was also how they saw each other. Mally saw the Princess, a strong and robust tigress who was stubborn and capable, and that was almost pressure on Kyera's shoulders. Aggie however once taught Kyera to hunt. She knew the little girl so terrified after losing her brothers and the pain that flooded her since then. The pressures of ruling were always easier to bear in Aggie's arms. Now the Pressure of Ruling would be easier than that which it took to survive.

After a long moment, Kyera pulled away and stood straight again. The older woman smiled at her tenderly, like grandmothers often do. Patting her cheek, Aggie took her hand and led her down the path. She hadn't been far off, Aggie's stall was just down and to the left from where she had stopped. Eventually, Kyera would have found her way here.

"What do you seek today, Kyera?" Aggie asked as she slipped behind the counter and began removing the curses and hexes that protected her stock. Kyera stood back, knowing full well how dangerous some of those magic's were.

"Restorative measures. I also need Flint Leaf and Cats Paw. The older on both of those the better." Kyera replied looking through a few of the herb boxes that Aggie had already deemed safe. Consern found its way onto Aggie's weathered face. She helped find a few herbs and set them on the counter.

"I see, is there something else ailing the Palace?"Aggie asked as she saw Kyera lay a white bundle on the counter. The white leaves were bundled tightly with silver twine. It was something rarely used in the village but forest dwellers tended to use it across their door steps every night.

"I am not sure. Something seems to be draining my patient of any energy that I feed her. I haven't seen any clues mind you, but I fear it might be a someone not a something." Kyera explained as she started packing the herbs on the counter and writing down quantities on her sheet. Aggie frowned and turned opening drawers and looking through the contents.

Hello everyone,

here is chapter one for the night. i'm fighting some writer's block. I hope you enjoy it anyway. If the writing seems a bit tense that would be why.



Valinteenacreators' thoughts