
The Begining of a Storm

After a long fight, Paul screamed in victory. His powers have finally surfaced and now he can carry on with his revenge.

As Paul let out the last of his energy, he fell to the ground. Using all that power for the first time outside his mind left quite an impact on his body. He couldn't move nor speak.

Above behind the glass screen, a delightful smile appeared on the Boss' face.

"That was brilliant. The effectiveness of those enhancers and to see it in action, it's marvelous." The Boss said, impressed by the whole ordeal.

"Of course. These were the prototypes that had the lowest percentage of error," Dr. Morel said with delight. ," And those hu- ahem, I mean ANDROIDS, were created to push subjects like Paul to the limit so they can open therselves to the powers."

Then he turned to this subordinates.

"Alright. Go on down and carry our subject to the Data Analysis Room. We got a lot of data to collect from all that."

"Yes, Sir!" the men said. They all went to go grab some equipment to get Paul to the Data Analysis Room safely. After a few minutes, they arrived in the resting area through another part, which had a ramp, as they had brought a bed with wheels with them.

They worked swiftly to get the job done. The enhancers were put to great use and the data would only be traceable for a few more hours.

"A man that could wield four of them, you have found a great one, haven't you," Dr. Morel said to the Boss.

"It was a just a choice made at a specific time and place," the Boss replied.

"Well, it was a choice well made, " Dr. Morel said, as he followed his subordinates to the study room. Paul was laid on top of the examination table.

A scanner like machine lowered and a red light turned on. It was a light and warm light that made Paul fall asleep. The surbordinates worked quickly and efficiently to gather the data in the current status of Paul. His mental and physical attributes were carefully scoped to the last detail.

"This is truly a wonder!" Dr. Morel said with excitement. "With him, I can achieve my long time dream!"

The current condition of Paul's body showed quite a lot of interesting factors. Although he was incapacitated, Paul's body worked 10 times above what an average human can achieve in a lifetime. It was as if he transcended humanity and its limits.

After a few more hours of analyzing, Paul was carried to the resting room for recovery.

"How long will it be until he regains consciousness?" the Boss asked, after everything was done.

"Should take about 1-2 days, depending on his mental strength," Dr. Morel replied. " By the way, what happened in that task that was assigned to Paul? I heard he got sent to prison?"

"He appearently lost in a fight against his target, who was a high school student. He had a reason though, which further convinced me to test out your creations," the Boss replied. He went on and told Dr. Morel about Karma, how a sudden change in personality affected his ability to fight. Dr. Morel listened with curiousity. He had never heard of a personality disorder that causes one's combat capabilities to increase.

"That is quite interesting..." Dr. Morel said, scratching his chin. "Are you sure it isn't just because Paul isn't as strong as he seems?"

"From what I have heard from the manager of of my company in Downtown Tren, Paul is the best one there is. He still can't match my number one assassin, but he's got skill."

"I should look into this, " Dr. Morel said. " Yes...I should."

And with that he walked away, lost in his thoughts. This happens whenever he doesn't quite understand something, but is determined to find out by any means.

The next morning...


Paul had woken up from his deep slumber. He felt quite alive after being able to rest for a day. He felt his body bustling with power. His thoughts were a humble of calculations and strategies that he thought of while he was asleep.

He got up from the bed and looked around. It was pretty dark aside from a small light glimmering from the corner that seemed to be coming from a machine.

He searched the wall from a light and found one by the door. He opened the light and saw that he was in some sort of resting area, as there were a couple of beds there. He opened the door and saw the scientists he met working on something. He approached one that was by a large machine with tubes.

"Excuse me, but where is the Boss?" Paul asked.

The scientist turned to Paul.

"Oh! You are awake. I don't exactly know, but Dr. Morel should know. He's in the Field Experimentation Room. Just get someone to scan their eyes for you," he said.

"Alright, thanks," Paul replied and headed to the Field Experimentation Room. As he was near it, the door opened and Dr. Morel came out. He seemed to be thinking about something and didn't notice Paul standing there.

"Um...Dr. Morel?" Paul called to Dr. Morel. But he just kept on being in his little world, unable to be perceptive of the outside world.

"Dr. Morel!" Paul called again, this time louder.

Dr. Morel broke out of his trance.

"Oh! Sorry, I was just lost in thought," Dr. Morel said to Paul. "Do you need something?"

"Yes. One of the scientists said you know where the Boss is?" Paul asked.

"Oh right. He told me to tell you to go to his office. Dr. Morel replied. " Take this card totge platform where you entered here and say 'Scan'. The platform will bring you up to the elevator. Do the same for the elevator. The door will open and send you straight to his floor.

"Okay. Thanks," Paul said as he headed to the platform elevator. He headed to the platform and held the card in front of him.

"Scan," Paul said. A red beam of light shine from the platform to the card. The light turned green and a robotic voice came out.

"Please proceed onto the platform"

Paul complied and walked onto the platform. The platform began to ascend and about a few moments later, Paul arrived at the top. The bar opened and he walked to the wall where the elevator was. He held up the card in front of the wall and said 'Scan'. A robotic voice came from the wall.

"Permission Granted. Heading to top floor of main building."

The wall lifted and Paul stepped in. He was anxious to get his revenge and satisfy his desires. The elevator ascended and moved forward when it was at the top. The front doors opened and he was back in the hallway that lead straight to the Boss' office.

He slowly advanced toward the door. The intensity was still very strong, even though he had been here before.

When he got to the door, he knocked.

"Come in, " a familiar scratchy voice came from the door. Paul opened the door to see the Boss doing something on his computer. He looked up from his desktop.

"You're awake. How do you feel?" the Boss asked.

"I-I feeling great, sir! Paul replied nervously. No matter how strong he gets, the aura of the Boss is one a whole another level.

"Good. Are you ready for your task?" the Boss asked.

" Y-yes I am," Paul replied.

"Good. Here take this, a gift," the Boss said, taking out quite an expensive watch. Paul was delighted and took it.

"I will protect this with my life, " Paul said, excited.

"Alright then," the Boss replied. "Carry out the operation with speed and precision!"

"Y-Yes!" Paul replied and left the room. As he closed the door, a smile appeared on the Boss' face.

As Paul entered the elevator, he contacted one of his surbordinates.

"Trail the target," Paul said. " We are going for

round two.

And with that, the elevator descended.
