

*Note: Thanks to Ozzz's suggestion, this chapter will be in third person instead of first.

Wu Xi, Ixi, Dragonsmoke, Quake, Hail, and Hakan emerged from the tall gates barring the entrance to the Prisons of Draco. In contrast to the harsh, gray stone walls Draco was made out of, the lush scenery on Mer Island seemed like a paradise the the six escapees.

Large ferns gently waved in the light spring breeze, and trees that looked like palm trees shaded the many spirit beasts that lived on the island. However, the beasts all knew they should avoid the prison because of the many dangers housed within it, so the surroundings were desolate in comparison to the area further away from Draco.

Wu Xi looked around, searching for the way back to the mainland, which was the Element Continent. She squinted as she gazed towards the east, where the sun was slowly rising. Dying the lightening sky bright orange and ruby red, the sun revealed the silhouette of a large body of land, which was most likely the Element Continent.

"The Element Continent seems to be quite far away, we probably won't be able to cross it in one day." Wu Xi thoughtfully spoke as she judged the distance between Mer and Element Continent. "I think we should create a flying boat; Hakan, I recall that you are proficient in the art of crafting?"

"Yes." Hakan briskly spoke before a pile of materials appeared in front of him. It's not widely known, but the stronger prisoners in Draco are capable of keeping a storage ring or space away from the hands of the jailers, and others, such as Hakan, have advanced enough crafting skills that they are capable of crafting a new storage ring.

With a cool, aloof confidence, Hakan began crafting a flying boat. In the pile of materials, most of the pieces were large slabs of metal. Hakan controlled his qi to levitate the metal slabs and his Earthly Fire emerged from his body. Sweating, Hakan began smelting the metal and shaping it into the correct form.

Several hours later.

Finally, all of the materials were held aloft, with Hakan's qi, in the shape of a large two masted boat. With a grunt, Hakan retrieved an inscription knife from his storage ring and began carving two inscriptions on the boat.

Inscriptions are intricate designs that can improve a weapon or artifact's power, speed, weight, capability, etc. The two inscriptions Hakan was carving are two basic inscriptions, the Inscription of Speed I and the Inscription of Lightness I, both of which can improve the flying boat's flying speed. Hakan only carved basic inscriptions because he wanted to finish the boat before nightfall.


Around 3:00 pm.


"Done!" Hakan tiredly wobbled as he stared at the large boat floating in the air before him. "Damn, my skills must have become rustier during my stay at Draco. I guess I'll need to practice more." With that, Hakan leaped into the boat and fell asleep on the couch. Following him, Wu Xi, Ixi, Dragonsmoke, Hail, and Quake all jumped into the boat.

"Okay, let's depart now. There should be about 4 hours until sunset, so let's hurry. The jailers are returning with the Lord of Draco at that time, so we need to be well on our way before then." Wu Xi commanded as she took control of the helm.

Swiftly, the six escapees flew off of the Island of Mer that they had resided on for many years towards their homeland, Element Continent. Below them, the boundless ocean that surrounded the three continents on the Azure Cosmic Planet glimmered brightly as it reflected the rays of light from the sun.

The six companions traveled for over 15 hours as they rushed back towards Element Continent. When they approached Mousse, the closest port to Draco, they were almost blinded by the sun as it began to emerge from the horizon, beginning a new day.

Quietly, almost inaudibly, Dragonsmoke spoke. "Although some of us don't need to fear most of the characters from the seven sects, don't forget that there are still some of the more powerful Hall Masters who will fight for the sects. Therefore, we should create a new identity for ourselves. We should decide this quickly, before we reach the port, so we can blend in and the seven sects won't have any way to pursue us. However, once we reach Mousse, we should loiter there for about a week before leaving for countries in the middle of the continent. Agreed?"


"Of course"

"Clever, Dragonsmoke."

"So... let's begin our creation of our new identities *Cheers*"

"*sigh* Shut up, Quake."

With a chorus of agreement, the six friends began to think of names for their new identities.

Hail changed his name to Ave, Quake became Casso, Hakan changed his name to Regle, Ixi changed her name to Ceru, Dragonsmoke changed her name to Fumi, and Wu Xi changed her name to Li Xue.

Finally, the flying boat reached Mousse. The port was very busy; it was bustling with people. Countless other ships and flying boats were also docked at the port. It seemed like this area of the ocean is a popular tourist sight.

When Wu Xi was about to pilot the boat downwards towards the port, a loud scream rang out from behind the flying boat.


(1) If you want to know, the one who said "Yes" is Hakan, the one who said "Of course" is Ixi, the one who said "Clever, Dragonsmoke" is Wu Xi, the one who said "So... let's begin our creation of our new identities *Cheers*" is Quake, and the one who sighed and said "Shut up, Quake" is Hail.

(2) I really can't think of any names right now... I'll just translate them into other languages *smile*.

(3) Tbh, I don't know how I got Li Xue from Wu Xi... Welp, I'll just use Wu Xi to refer to her even if she did kinda change her name... just to be consistent with my synopsis. If someone talks to her though, I'll have them call her Li Xue unless they know her real identity.

Hey, I hope all of you are doing well today :3

I'm sorry for the long time I spent on this chapter, I kept on getting distracted by certain things >.>

I hope you like how I changed it so the chapters are being told in third person. I'll write this way until someone tells me that my writing is now worse than before *shrug*.

Anyways, enjoy the rest of the day *wave*.

AFK_Fluffcreators' thoughts