
Tianshi's Escape - Part 1

Hearing the loud noise outside, Tianshi quickly got up from the bed, running towards window to see what is going on. What she saw made her quickly scared, seeing hundreds of cultivators flying in the sky, launching attacks left and right, illuminating the sky. Tianshi suddenly felt like she was back on earth, watching the fireworks on the New Years Eve.


Just as she got distracted by the many powerful experts, she heard a loud smack on the doors to her room as if someone kicked it with strong power, causing them to explode and smash against the wall.

Upon turning around, Tianshi saw her new bodyguard Pio running up to her with a frown on his face, seeing it for the first time and he glared at her as he scolded, "Xiao Family is being attacked, why you are still not ready?! We are leaving!"
