
Life & Waterfall


Living Hall, Dream Rise House.

Zed sat alone at a black table. The end of the room was open and showed the captivating waterfall in its full glory.

"Shimmering and falling, breaking into a thousand shards of spray. Crashing water scares and attracts the soul."

The famous words of Mikhail Lermontov defined the impressive power and beauty of nature.

Zed enjoyed the spectacular feeling of fresh falling mist on his face. It helped him forget the horrifying act he had carried out yesterday.

Two droids entered the room, carrying trays filled with breakfast:

Orange and pomegranate overnight oats, orange-spice challah buns, cranberry streusel coffee cake, caramelized onion casserole, herbed egg-potato bake, and olives along with fruits and tea.

The droids placed the dishes and drinks on the table and left Zed alone. He continued to gaze at the waterfall while trying to clear his thoughts.
