
Zi Jiao's Fight - Part 2

The Pan Jian's voice echoed through the forest, Zi Jiao tried to locate him using the vision ability, but soon realized that it was useless. No matter how hard she tried, Zi Jiao could not see her opponent.

As time passed, Pan Jian was shooting arrows randomly, sometimes it appeared from above, side, front, back. Zi Jiao did not have to dodge the arrows, using the giant fan, she just swayed from side to side like a piece of paper and blocked each of the arrows.

This scene shocked Pan Jian, he knew that Zi Jiao's strength was extremely monstrous and that the heavy weapons she wore were extremely resilient, the arrows were not strong enough to penetrate the defense of the heavy weapon.

To try to locate the target, Zi Jiao opened the fan and began to swing as if she were using the fan to make the wind, she wanted to cut all the trees of the place. But whenever a tree was cut down, it was soon regenerated.
