
Pierce Strike

When the counter reached zero, nothing happened. But seconds later, a great deal of black smoke began to appear in the center of the room, before it separated into ten small spheres that began to form.

It took a few moments to get the shape of green cheetahs with white stripes, its size was like an adult bear, there were sharp claws on all four legs and a long tail. Using the Phantom Vision, Liu Yang was able to see that the cheetahs' names were Forest Cheetah and were level 100, its main abilities were the wind element that increased speed.

However, Liu Yang saw something strange, the statistics of these beasts were much larger than a beast of level 100, it was as if the beasts were at level 125. He knew that the women would have difficulties to fight against this, but still, he made them fight against this cheetah.

Liu Yang and Saya stood aside watching the women carrying toward the beasts. Ten carried while six stayed for help from afar.
