
Broken Vases

Everyone anticipated Collet's entrance, especially that Collet's assistants managed to announce to everyone that Xhemin was coming with the intention of asking her forgiveness. They all waited for the scene to unfold before them, where the LGC CEO would beg forgiveness for her evil deeds, more specifically her bullying against her own sisters.

Collet was frantic about it as Xhemin begging at her feet would surely be a good sight to see. She'll make sure the LGC CEO would regret what she did and would acknowledge the fact that she still was and still is an LGC heiress. It's time for Ava Leigh to know that she's not an easy nemesis at all and somehow she had to be careful about how she treats her. Perhaps now, Ava will learn to give her some respect as she was nothing but her equal as half of everything she owns, belonged to her.
