
The Chase

Ziggy had ignored all the incoming calls he had but the moment the ring tone "priprippa-prippa" rang with the recorded sound of Huzey's voice, he kind of awakened from his sobriety. He looked for his phone, which was hidden behind the litters and books that scattered in his library. As soon as he found it, he hastily pressed the button to answer the call.

"Huzey? How are you? I'll come to the hospital now—what?—you are home already? Nobody told me…" Huzey's words from the other line came as a surprise to him "…Xhemin? Xhemin was just at the Richmond ranch the last time I check…"

"…When did I last check on her? I think that was…" Ziggy thought about it not aware that a couple of days had already passed "… I guess yesterday?....." His last words came as a question not for Huzey but for him. Since when did he last saw Xhemin?
