
100 Blessed Children: Search 4 The Golden Child

No one knows how and no one knows when, but what is known is that a great blacksmith once existed in this world a blacksmith who throughout history was like none other this man’s creations were more than just weapons or tools they were works of art they were his children, none could match him no other blacksmith could keep up with him. From the moment of his arrival this man had no equal this man, this blacksmith, this artist, was known as Adam, Adam Kadmon and this story takes place in a world that he changed forever more. Are story follows Jake Green a young man who gets his hands on one of Adam Kadmon’s children and because of this leads him on a journey to save the life of his mother.

TheGraveyardWriter · アクション
94 Chs

Chapter 70 Lex Vs Biscuit Part 4

"If I intend to win this fight, then I need to get that claymore out of his hands," was the thought that ran through Lex's mind. Even though he had landed multiple blows on his opponent, he knew that between the two of them, he was the one who was truly on the losing side. He couldn't match his inhuman-like strength or contend with any of Biscuit's beastman natural abilities. But the young buzzcut man didn't intend to give up now, no, far from it. He knew what he had to do, and that was to tip the scales back into his favor. But how? He thought. How will I do it? How can I do it? A part of Lex's heart started to falter, feeling that what was in front of him was too great a task, until a voice rang in his head—a familiar voice from the past.

"Always remember, Lex," the voice said, "always remember, son, that you are the perfect proud creation born from me and your mother, a fusion of both of our skills that were gathered after years of combat. All of the knowledge, all of that hard work, is in you now, son. And also, never forget that you are a Braxton. Make sure you never forget that when you go out into the world. Always carry yourself with that knowledge, that knowledge of who you are."

"Yes," Lex started to remember. He started to remember those words that his father nearly engraved in his soul, words that he heard all the time, that he eventually grew sick of, but words that he had so easily forgotten through this battle. Lex started to forget and lose sight of who he was. The young man readied himself and his weapon as he reminded himself who he was. "I am Lex Braxton, and I am the perfect fusion of both my parents. I am the son of the owl and the chameleon."

With his confidence restored, Lex smirked, then took off towards Biscuit, and in return, the young beastman took off towards Lex, both running full speed ahead at one another. As they approached each other, Lex thought, "Ok, so what have I learned? Well, besides that this guy's a wolf, I've learned he's strong. So strong, in fact, that he can lift and swing that giant claymore with one arm like it's a stick. But there's the thing," Lex smiled as another lightbulb turned on in his head. "He does the same old slashes. He uses no sword techniques; he just swings that heavy thing around. So that means he has very limited sword combat experience. So, I can use his lack of experience to my own advantage. I've proven I can dodge his attacks before he even puts them into motion, so I'll do it again and make sure I handicap him by getting rid of his weapon."

As the two combatants were nearing each other's range, Biscuit got his blade ready to swing, and Lex's keen eyes watched him as he did. He knew what slash he was going to attack him with next. "He'll do a horizontal slash," Lex told himself. He was ready, and he was correct. Biscuit started to do a horizontal slash, but Lex had already evaded the attack. The young man had jumped long before the attack was released. As he did, he held his sword out as he spun. Lex had turned himself into a human drill. As Biscuit's sword was swung, hitting nothing but air, Lex was spinning, heading right towards his opponent.

It took Biscuit a moment to not only process that his attack missed, but also what his foe was doing. But as he comprehended Lex's actions, sadly it was already too late. While spinning, Lex had drilled his way into Biscuit's right shoulder. The force of the attack sent Biscuit falling backwards, and as it did, the beastman's grip on his rental claymore started to loosen. Seeing his opportunity coming around the horizon, Lex prepared to enact his plan.

As Biscuit's body was falling backwards, so too were his arms. They were being flung back, and once they were in the right position, Lex put one hand on the falling Biscuit's chest, spun in place, then with everything he had, Lex kicked the claymore's handle, knocking it clean out of Biscuit's hand. The sword went flying straight out of the ring, heading towards the position of the little shinobi girl named Gabby. She saw the sword coming with speed and grace, unlike most who would have been frozen by shock,she was not the least bit fazed. She sidestepped, then the claymore landed blade first, piercing the ground where the girl had just stood.

Gabby whistled, complementing Lex. "Wow," she thought. "Not bad, that guy's not bad at all. He actually got the doggie's sword away from him, even with the strength difference." She was impressed, but soon her face shifted. She started to pout, then stomp her foot. "Man, why couldn't I fight him in my match? That would have been so much fun. It's not fair."

Switching viewpoint, a loud, audible "holy shit" was heard. It came from Jake; his eyes were wide in amazement. "He… he disarmed him," Jake said, not believing what he was clearly seeing. And he wasn't the only one. "Star-struck," Zack's mouth was wide open. "Damn, I didn't think he could actually do it," he said like the girl Gabby.

Zack too felt a little jealousy in his heart. "I wanted to fight this Lex guy," he said, seeing Biscuit's Claymore outside the ring eventually made Jake smirk as he playfully nudged Zack on the shoulder. "Well, well," he said, snickering as he spoke. "Guess I'm going to be mighty hydrated when this match is all done," the young man smiled at the spiky-haired young man.

Zack blushed a little then smiled, nudging Jake back. "Yea right, you wish, dork. Besides, the battle is not over yet."

And Zack was correct; the battle between Lex and Biscuit wasn't yet over. After kicking Biscuit's Claymore out of his hands and out of the ring, Lex didn't stop moving. As Biscuit finally fell, his back hitting the ground, Lex grabbed his sword that was still piercing Biscuit's right shoulder and pulled it out. Then he thrust the blade forward, his downed opponent almost froze like a deer in headlights, but he knew he couldn't.

"Think Biscuit," the young beastmen thought, as he saw what could be his demise was heades right for him. "You don't have a weapon, what do you have… oh wait, that's it."

As Lex was thrusting his blade forward about to pierce Biscuit in the head, the young man felt himself being grabbed, then being pulled back. "What the hell," he thought as he looked down to see what was going on. He saw Biscuit's tail; the beastmen had wrapped his wolf tail around him and now was using it to pull him back. Doing so stopped Lex's attack just short, but now Biscuit had him right where he wanted him. The beastmen clenched his sharp teeth; Lex saw him do so, then he flung his jaw open wide, seeming ready to bite a nice chunk out of Lex.

"Uh-oh," the young man thought as he saw nothing but sharp teeth. But Lex was a new man; he had been restored. The young man didn't panic; he knew what to do. He was still on top of the beastmen, so using both of his feet, he dug them into both of Biscuit's wounded shoulders. This made the beastmen cry out in pain; his head turned away from Lex as he screamed, and the strong hold that his tail had on Lex was loosened, which gave the young man the chance to jump to safety as he landed.

Zack cursed. "Damn it, could've sworn he had him," the words flew out of his mouth as he watched the battle with Jake with anticipation. The young beastmen was trying to make his way back to his feet as his body ached in pain. "Shit," he said under his breath. "He got both my shoulders," as he tried to fight with his body to get back up. He heard the voice of Lex speaking to him, and when he heard it, his little dog ears perked up.

"You should quit while your ahead, Biscuit" said Lex.

When the young beastmen looked at his opponent, he had plunged his sword into the ground and was now leaning on said blade as he looked back at Biscuit.

"You want me to what?" asked Biscuit.

"I said you should quit, my friend. I disarmed you; not only that, but I made sure to kick your weapon out of the ring so you couldn't retrieve it," Lex paused, rubbing his chin in consideration. "Well, I guess you could go retrieve your sword if you wanted to, but if you did, it would mean a ring out for you," he said, smirking as he did. "Besides, even if you did have your sword, I wounded both your shoulders now so you probably couldn't stand to bear the weight of your weapon. That's why I'm telling you to give up and admit defeat."

When Lex spoke, he wasn't being cocky; he was speaking very generously thought their fight. Lex learned a lot, not just about his opponent but about himself. Even with all his years of training, Lex knew he still had much further to go. "This beastmen, this guy had pushed him harder than anyone had ever done before, and in a way, Lex was grateful," which is why he wanted to give his foe the opportunity to bow out of the fight. As he spoke, Biscuit could hear the sincerity in Lex's voice; it made him crack a smile, but he shook his head no as he finally got to his feet.

"Thanks, Lex, but no thanks. I can't in good conscience give up when I'm so close to winning," the beastmen smiled as he did. He got into a fighting stance without a weapon in hand, and when he did, the unexpected happened. Claws came out of the tips of his paw hands; they were a pearl black and seemed sharper then knives. When Biscuit showed his claws, Angus chuckled while watching from the viewing room. "So, he's going to use that," he said. "His canine martial arts."

Seeing that Biscuit wouldn't give up no matter what he said, Lex got ready as he said, "Fine then, have it your way."

anyone else excited for the new ff7 game……. cause I am

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