
22. Juutenshu Tweyen

While Djeeta and the others were busy in Auguste, Rei was still sleeping in his room on the Grandcypher.

But Rei didn't seem alone at all because there were two people accompanying him.

One of them was a woman with long blue hair that Rei had met before.

And the other one was a small black dragon that looked like Vyrn.

"Hmmm~ hmmmm~ hmmmm~," the woman hummed as she stroked Rei's sleeping hair.

"Groarr," the dragon said to the woman as he hit her head.

"Owch... okay okay, I know," the woman rubbed her head and then turned towards the dragon.

"Tch at least let me enjoy this for a moment." The woman felt annoyed by the dragon's actions.

The woman then stood up from Rei's bed and observed Rei's body.

"It's time for you to meet one of them, Rei." The woman spoke with a smile, then raised her right hand towards Rei.

Rei suddenly glowed blue and when the light disappeared, Rei disappeared from the Grandcypher.

Seeing Rei had disappeared, the woman and the dragon began to disappear little by little.

"I hope you can gather them," the woman spoke as they disappeared from the Grandcypher.

On an island filled with forests and many mountains, a village can be seen on a small mountain among many others.

The village doesn't seem too crowded because not many people live there, and because of its mountainous location, not many people visit either.

But all the villagers in the village seem happy and peaceful because their village is quite peaceful compared to others, as they have many hunters who protect them from monsters.

And there are some shops selling bows and arrows because the village is known as Hunter Village.

In the forest near the village, a bright blue light suddenly appears, then not long after the blue light starts to fade and Rei appears still asleep.

The light is seen by an old lady who is picking berries for cooking.

Usually, the old lady would ask her granddaughter to gather berries, but it's been a long time since she left the village and went to the city.

The old lady then approaches the source of the light and finally arrives at Rei's location.

She is surprised to see someone unconscious in a place like this.

First, she places the berries she brought and tries to check if this person is injured or not.

She has never seen a young person with such white hair before, even her own hair, as an old lady, is not as white as this.

After examining the person's body, she finds many bandages on it, but after examining the wounds, it seems that the wounds are old and in the healing process. (Rei wounds appeared old because of Rei regeneration)

She ultimately chooses to help this person and starts to carry him, even though she is old, she is a former hunter so carrying a young person wouldn't be too difficult for her.

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

It's been a few days since Rei suddenly appeared there.

That night after Grandma brought Rei to her house, Rei woke up.

At first, he was confused about where he was and thought that Djeeta and the others were staying in a village waiting for him to wake up.

But after he left the room and met Grandma in the living room, he was shocked to hear Grandma's explanation.

Grandma said that Rei appeared there after a blue light disappeared in the forest and when she checked what happened, she found him unconscious.

Upon hearing Grandma's story, Rei was confused about how he could appear there, but when he heard the words "blue light," it reminded him of the woman.

The woman he had met before with very long blue hair, but Rei didn't know why she sent him here.

Rei then asked what island he was on, but when he heard the name of the island from Grandma, Rei had never heard of it before.

Was he still in Phantagrande Skydom or not, and how would he return to the others?

At first, he wanted to try to descend from this mountain and go to the city to find out where exactly he was.

But Grandma said that this mountain was filled with many monsters, so very few people wanted to climb it or go down it.

Rei planned to go to the city alone, and with his power, he didn't need to worry about monsters, but when he tried to use his power, strangely, his strength seemed to weaken.

Rei thought that maybe his power had not fully recovered, and he even felt that he wouldn't be able to use his wings or weapons temporarily.

So, in these past few days, Rei tried to make friends with the other residents.

At first, they were wary when they saw Rei because their village was rarely visited by tourists.

But because of Rei's unique appearance, the villagers eventually let their guard down. Especially the girls who saw Rei's handsome face and the children who saw his white hair.

Rei helped them to drive away the monsters that came to the village or helped them hunt and pick berries and plants. Sometimes, he played with the children by telling them about his adventures and stories from his world.

At first, Rei wanted to try using a bow to fight, but after being trained by Grandma who helped him, Rei found out he had no talent for the bow at all.

So, he returned to using the sword given to him by one of the villagers, as the village was filled with people who used bows and arrows, so the sword wasn't very useful for them.

Finally, Rei managed to make the whole village friendly towards him and also made some friends.

Although most of his friends were girls, there was one girl who Rei found very unique.

At first, she was very excited when she saw Rei, and after accidentally touching Rei's hair once, she wanted to touch it every day because it was very soft.

That person's name was Rossie, she had blonde hair, and she was also the best hunter on the island. But Rei always tried to avoid her because Rossie always wanted to touch his hair.

Unfortunately, Rei couldn't escape from Rossie's agility, and every day she managed to stroke his head.

Currently, Rei was observing Rossie practicing with her bow.

Rossie shot her arrows very fast, and all of them hit the target perfectly.

Rei, who saw this, was very impressed with her archery technique and thought it was a pity that Lucilius didn't have an Opus bow that he can use.

After watching Rossie finish training, Rei approached her while clapping.

"Wow, you're really amazing, Rossie. I've never seen archery skills like yours."

Hearing Rei's voice, Rossie immediately turned to him because she knew from the start that someone was watching her.

"Haha, you finally understand how great I am. There's no one on this island who is better at archery than me," Rossie proudly spoke to Rei.

"Yeah, yeah, you're indeed amazing," Rei jokingly replied to Rossie.

"Because of that, let me stroke your hair again." Rossie immediately raised both of her hands towards Rei, moving her fingers.

Seeing this, Rei quickly ran into the forest to avoid Rossie, but because Rossie was used to these forests, she easily caught Rei.

"Hehehe, unfortunately, you can't escape, so let me stroke your head." Rossie easily tackled Rei, and finally, Rei fell with Rossie on top of him.

"Ummm, Rossie, please do it slowly," Rei surrendered when Rossie was on top of him.

Hearing that, Rossie smiled and finally stroked Rei's hair until she was satisfied.

After Rossie finished stroking Rei's hair, she finally stood up after sitting on Rei's back for a while.

Then, she sat next to Rei under the tree.

Rei, feeling that Rossie was done stroking his hair, also sat in front of Rossie.

"Do you know, I used to joke around like this with my best friend?" Rossie suddenly spoke.

"We used to hunt together, then train together, and I'm sure if she hadn't left this village, she would have become the best hunter on this island."

Rossie continued to speak while staring at the sky, remembering her past, but when she remembered how her friend disappeared without telling her anything at all, she looked visibly angry.

"One day she disappeared suddenly and only left a letter for me that she wanted to go to the city... even though I was her closest friend, she dared to leave me behind and only left a letter!"

Rossie clenched her fists tightly while telling this to Rei.

Rei, hearing Rossie's story, was surprised because in the few days he had known Rossie, this was the first time he had seen her so angry.

"I don't know why your friend left you, but I would also feel angry if my close friend suddenly disappeared and only left a letter," Rei replied to Rossie while glancing at the sky.

"But did your friend ever come back to the village? And have you ever asked her why she left like that?"

Hearing that, Rossie looked down anxiously.

"Um... she did come back a few times to visit her grandmother... but I felt angry with her and tried to avoid her..." Rossie answered softly.

Listening to that, Rei shook his head. "You... at least you should listen to the reasons why she left like that. Besides, if you don't meet her, how can you punish your friend for leaving you before?"

Hearing that, Rossie seemed to realize something and turned to Rei, "Huh? You're right, if I don't see her, I won't be able to punish her at all."

Rossie then stood up quickly, raising both of her hands up with determination, "You're right, if she ever comes back, I will immediately punish her severely so that she won't dare to leave the village without telling me."

Hearing that, Rei admired Rossie's nature. Initially, she seemed sad and angry, and now her attitude instantly changed to determination, although her anger was still present.

He felt a little pity for her friend because when Rei heard that Rossie would punish her friend, she looked enthusiastic with eyes full of bad ideas.

"Then, what is your friend's name?" Rei asked while standing up.

Hearing that, Rossie remembered that she had never told Rei the name of her friend.

"Oh, her name is Tweyen."


While Rei and Rossie were in the forest, Grandma who had helped Rei was cooking for their dinner later.

She was happy since Rei came, her house was lively again like when her granddaughter was still at home.

But as she cooked, suddenly she heard the sound of the door opening, then Grandma welcomed Rei as she thought Rei had already returned.

"Welcome home Rei. If you're hungry, you can have the snacks on the table," Grandma said to Rei.

"Eh? Grandma? What do you mean Rei? I'm Tweyen," a voice of a girl whom she knew very well was heard.

Hearing the voice, she immediately turned off the fire she was using to cook and approached the voice.

When she was in the living room, she saw a girl with long brown hair and hair accessories, her eyes were brown like her hair. The girl was wearing tight clothing that only covered her large chest, hips, and part of her stomach, like she was showing off her belly. She was also wearing a long robe and leggings that reached her thighs.


"I'm home, grandma!" the girl named Tweyen spoke to her grandma.


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