

-Don't Read This Story! You will likely regret it. -Don't read this if you're looking for something good, this is a below-average story, written by a below-average writer that many find hard to understand from lack of clarity. -The Mc is terrible, the characters are terrible, the ideas are terrible, the pacing is terrible, the harem is terrible. -This is not the marvel story you're looking for. It's not even in the MCU yet after so long, and may never be with how slow it is. -This is a wish-fulfillment story that is in the MCU universe and will follow the MCU in my own way. The goal is to blend my story in and around the MCU. -Be warned I'm a below-average writer, I need to work on my details and wording, and probably everything else. Expect quality fluctuations. -This will have a harem since my last story didn't have one. --Expect badly written lemon scenes. They will be marked for an easy skip for those who don't want to read it. If you can handle all that, then welcome aboard. -The Asgardian Theoric is about to get a second chance. [[[ https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Theoric_(Earth-616) ]]] -The story starts before the MCU where he will grow his abilities on his way to becoming indomitable. -1st volume: Prologue -2nd volume: Troll War - (ch.12-59) -3rd volume: Hidden Forces - (ch. 60-194) -4th volume: Olympians -5th volume: Mutants -6th volume: MCU -7th volume: Darkness -8th volume: Epilogue ___________________________________ To help answer some questions people might have. -This is a fanfic, don't expect everything to be super accurate to marvel canon or history in general. I'm taking the info provided that's already been established and turning into a story of my own making. - No kingdom-building, - The beginning of the story puts a lot of people off because I didn't go the normal route people would like, and they don't tend to like the troll arc. The next arc also starts a slow tedious writing style that needs much work and improvement. - He also starts a little rash and seems a little weak because his powers easily drain him, some of this is explained later though and fixed by Gaea, but many miss this and only concentrate on the fact that he isn't being and doing what they think he should. - I should also explain that he has some memories that were locked away and then deleted because of his rashness. This was simply a way to end the whole locked memory thing, the Acanti soul was a plot point to give him future memories of the MCU, beyond that it served no more purpose so I got rid of all the other useless knowledge, He was in no way nerfed as some would like to believe. - I made him a little more emotional than I would like at the beginning, it was my attempt at trying to give him a personality after being criticized for the lack thereof in my last story. - Ruthless? I don't think so, I'm going more the route of a fair Mc. He'll do more of an eye for an eye type stuff, gender does not matter to him when it comes to this. - While the harem isn't the end all be all goal, it's true that he is going around getting women. - I do have a story beyond the harem though and will not focus too heavily on the harem beyond the obvious. Mostly he just goes around sleeping with them and beyond that is anyone's guess whether they stick around or not, I do try and make it feel a little more real, but it is a harem. - Basically a harem with a progressing story. ___________________________________ -I have also posted this story on Royal Road and Wattpad.

Nevvan · その他
201 Chs

New Crew

As they traveled back through the tunnels, Nina asked in a cold voice,- "You don't really trust her, do you?"

Theoric grimaced,- "I think she has her own circumstances, I got the feeling she didn't have as much freedom as we once believed."

Nina loudly rebutted- "You can't be serious after she just failed saving Io!"

Theoric almost snapped,- 'As if your one to talk,' but managed to instead growl out, "You don't think I know that!" Taking a minute to calm himself,- "Look Nina, just as you had your circumstances back when you were Medusa, she may have her's, never forget that, everyone has their side of the story, you need to save judgment and until you know both sides you, do you understand."

Nina frowned- "There is no excuse for what she did to me."

Theoric took a moment and embraced her- "You're right, you didn't deserve what happened, but please keep an open mind is all I ask."

Tearing up, feeling his warm embrace- "You... You don't blame me?" She asked.

Instead of answering he just patted her back,- "Shh, everything is okay, we will be okay, Io and Anna will be okay."

Nina burst into another round of tears as Sigyn came over to join the hug with Holland right behind.- "I'm, I'm, I'm Sooorrryyyy."

Theoric- "Shh, we will get through this, and I will find a way to make the ones who are responsible for all this pay."

Sigyn- "It's okay Nina, Theo and I won't rest until we fix this, you can count on us."

Theoric flashed her a quick look but left it alone, knowing that Sigyn was serious about helping her friends. He wasn't necessarily against her helping, he just didn't want her to suffer hardships. He liked Sigyn happy and cheerful and it worried him that she may change if she started joining him in battle.

Holland feeling left out spoke up,- "Don't forget about me, I'll also help."

Theoric grinned reaching out to stroke her head- "Of course you will, you're just as much a part of this family as the rest of us," he said putting a bright smile on her face, which only grew brighter when she heard what came next.- "Oh and look here, I got this amulet from Athena so you can sing all you want when we're back at sea, now I can freely listen to your beautiful voice without losing control."

Moments later when everyone calmed down, they once again exited the temple into the dark of night thanks to the mostly cloudy sky courtesy of Zeus's leftover stormclouds that cut off the waning light of the setting sun early.

Theoric in no mood for putting his disguise back on quickly walked out with the girls and a sad remorseful Nina in his arms so she wouldn't slow them down. Ignoring the looks he got from people he passed, ducking past any guards he spotted.

Theoric whispered- "How are the eyes?"

Nina whispered back- "They're fine, I don't know how it happened, but remember what... Athena, said about being able to possibly control it, I do think it's possible, I can still recall the moment it happened, the feeling I got when it came back, I can't be sure without looking around, but I'm pretty sure it's safe at the moment, I don't have that same feeling."

Theoric- "We'll test it the same way we did before when we get back to the boat."

Nina- "Mn."

They didn't have any trouble with the guards despite his wanted statues thanks to the dark and the fact that most were praying like everyone else, easily slipping their way through the gathered crowd as they made their way down the stairs.

Ignoring the commotion that was happening on the other side where the priestesses were guarding the entrance to the private area. Where the lords of the city came and demanded to be allowed access to meet Zeus only to be turned down by the priestesses who kept composure in the face of hostility, keeping peace through lies that they were ordered by Zeus to not let anyone through. Some lords of course questioned this, but none were brave enough to test it and simply kept shouting to try and show they still were a force to be reckoned with.

Arriving at the bottom of the stairs they met the waiting crew that was arranged to help them on their journey.

The priestess stepped forward to introduce them- "As ordered by Lady Thena, here is your crew, all capable women who have sailing experience as well as combat, the lady said you would be fine with this given your choice in companions," she said in a deadpan manner, clearly judging him.

Theoric wryly grinned as he gave them all a once over,- "You can thank your lady for me, I'll do my best to make sure they come back in one piece."

The priestess turned to the ladies not noticing the new addition that hid in the back,- "This is the group you'll be traveling with, be careful and do Athena proud."

They all saluted her goodbye, waiting until she was gone before the leader stepped forward to introduce herself,- "Hello, I'm Selene, the leader of this group, and as ordered we are here to help you on our quest, let me know what you need and I'll make sure it gets done to the best of our abilities."

Theoric didn't doubt she was the leader thanks to her very noticeable black leather outfit that stood out from the rest who wore different types of simple trousers and tunics for sailing.

However, Looking at the pale skin, shoulder-length black hair, cold blue-eyed beauty, Theoric did still feel it strange that she would be among this group, but who was he to judge being the only man among women.

He was starting to think he had a problem when others thought he would only hang out with women seeing how they even gathered a crew of only women. He hoped it was because they were aware Holland was a siren, but he knew that wasn't possible unless Athena spilled the beans since she would be the only one with the potential to know from spying on her daughter's activities.

Theoric gave his best grin,- "Welcome Selene, I hope we get along and become fast friends during this journey together, now if you would please follow me we can further introduce ourselves once we're on the boat, I don't wish to waste any more time than necessary."

Selene grinning back- "Certainly, after you."