

it's 2.33am early in da morning in here Sri Lanka which country facing super down failures and huge disasters and distractive era of all time and also The champions nation of Asia cup 2022..HI AND I wellcome You all to my tiny world with super experiences.

U know I feels fantastic when I am writing and expressing something new that always reminding my mind to release from my heart and soul to you and to the world.So now I'm here to reveal a very important fact that we never realizes and misuse while we are alive .yes. it's just easy as eating cashew like we used when we doing some easiest work happily and successfully.So I again welcomed you all to super challenging collection of 3 letters called R.I.P.

My main idea is to explain how to be in neutral and be in cool in this complex world in any circumstances .We used my topic and the title *R.I.P after our loved ones died and gone forever from our world and from our touch .But why we are not using these words when we are alive and when we are loving,living and sharing our lives with each other. ha. why ..it's very simple know.Coz all our lives depend on True happiness and positive appointments we made to connect with universe to make our lives happy and live super express life not only practically but also visually.

Do as I said earlier my freinds..it's very easy and you all may be my freinds forever and your love ones can make it so successfully by doing and making simple adjustments to normal day today life.

I explain you just a one incident As a example.what happened if I tell you to join my birthday party in next week at my place which won't needing and allowing any gifts but participation only .And what will you planning to do or organize to do .yes .

I tell you .it's like this .For sure No 1 thing you LL try to skip it and plan to avoid it from your diary..yes ..

No 2 is worring so much of this upcoming day And No.3 is visualizing unexpectances and negatives all over mind .coz your so busy and busy without any successfully advance schedules ..Am I right ha ???.. For that most of my freinds telling me when I am calling and meeting them sometimes for good even answering me like this."

"hey brother or machan I'm busy busy so busy but at the end of the day there's no counted work I had fulfilled macho."

This is how we killed us while we are alive ..yes .disaster man.this is how we gets our lives diverted from RIP mode . coz even we can have some sweetest life and greatest parties we purchased the stressfully side of it .and the negative sides of it .So my freinds please do not over think and over jumped from your lovely life .Coz in This life we cannot expect all the good and perfect things but we can satisfied with what we have and we can adjust to the situations .yes..why not ..coz we are creators and the destroyers too..so please do take this small advise seriously and work for it every second ...There's so many examples so many experiences I got for you .and I will share it with you in upcoming chapters with so many live incidents and life quotes too..This is just a beginning ..so just enjoy ..have fun...live happily ..smile ...smile ..smiles.

coz this life is too short to plan so much .So my advise is to live soo meaningfully n successfully with love and affection with all and also all the time..For that I'm blessing you all with all my heart and soul..

The Co founder of Apple Mr.steve jobs (1955-2011) published in his last statement so deeply by commenting that

**You must be with your family ,freinds and loved ones as much you can .and tell them how much you need them and love them.coz time is precious and passing away which is you cannot change and touch after gone .Also you cannot buy or replace to paralysised patient while he was in hospital from his all wealth ..from his earnings and billions(USD's)of dollars .So never think TO REST IN PEACE after you vanished but think to do it while your alive and breathing properly...if not for sure you will have to buy and feed medicines as your foods too..**

Thank you .sir. I am appreciated this commitment from your heart more than technological inventions .

and also I plan this chapter tribute to my late freind VICHITRA ARUNOD who had work with in Cockpit night club (Cadenza hotel) where he died early September and gone from us recently .May you truelly Rest in peace my mate.Coz as I know u also tried so much to live perfect RIP life .

.god blesses you always and always ..

god blesses you all.too..