

After the conversation with the reaper, my mom came and opened his door before saying "Oh, your already up, I'm glad to see your excited, I was worried you would be nervous because of what happened at your old school." Before she had a chance to take a look at my new appearance and comment on it, I stabbed her with the reapers sword. A black smoke went around her head before she continued talking as if this was all normal

I smiled as I responded,"Even if they try it, I'm not the same man I used to be, I won't let people walk over me anymore."

"Hahaha!! That's my boy! just like me when I was younger!" said my father as he walked in. He had taken a day off from work to see me off on my first day back to school.

I started quickly walking to him as he had a look of surprise on his face at my new appearance and took the sword and stabbed him while making it look like I was hugging him, the same smoke appeared and changed his memories before he hugged me back. Mom replied "Like you when you were younger? I don't see any beer cans but if you say so, Dear."

I couldn't help but laugh at the antics of my parents,as I stood up."Mom, is it fine if we get going? I want to get there early, I have some things I need to do there."

She responded back "Sure, I'm glad you are trying so hard already, keep up this attitude and you'll be a good young man one day.'

After eating breakfast with my parents, we set out towards the school. After 15 minutes of driving, we arrived in front of the brick schoolhouse that would be my home for the next two years.

"Are you sure you have everything you need for your dorm room?" my dad asked

"Yeah, I double checked this morning" I said opening the car door before walking to the trunk and taking out a duffle bag with my belongings in it. Walking over to my parents who were now outside the car standing next to each other, I embraced them both as my mom started crying and my dad had red eyes. "We're going to miss you, we love you. You better come back and visit during holidays." my mom said, as my dad added "Be strong and try your best, I'm proud of you."

A tear came to my eye as I responded

"I love you too, mom, dad, I promise to do my best for you both."

After a few more minutes I parted with my parents and entered the dorm section of the school and entered room 324 that I had been assigned. Going into my new bedroom I sat on the bed while asking the reaper a question I've had. "I'm not going to be able to complete this goal I was given if I sit around in a school. Is there anything I can do to get out of this?" I asked him. "Of course, I can take some of the energy you absorbed and create a clone of yourself that will continue its life normally." he responded lazily. "Good then do that." When I responded, smoke came out of my body, coalescing into a perfect replica of my body, it then stood up and looked at me. "Make sure to get married and give mom and dad some grandkids." I told him as he nodded and I walked outside the dorm and walked down the street a few minutes before I reached a park. Walking into it I reached a secluded spot I asked the reaper which I have decided to name Joe for now what do to about our current predicament. "I need to get out of this country to go somewhere I can start this new religion. The best way to start a religion is if it's a state one, so I plan to somehow make a country or take one over. Is it possible to use the energy I absorbed and teleport or something somewhere and make an army with it?" I asked Joe. "Yep, you can do anything if you have enough energy as the energy is matter which makes up everything." he said. "Well, I know what I need to do now, teleport me to Tehran in Iran." when I said this my body turned into smoke before I re-materialized in the city.
