
Day 2

Karuizawa woke up earlier than usual. She carefully moved out of her tent and checked her bag if one of her panties are missing. Aomine's words had kept bugging her last night, she barely had any proper sleep.

Karuizawa: "It's all fine. Nothing yet."

She looked at the corner of the tent glancing at Ibuki's sleeping figure. Knowing that no she's not being vigilant, Karuizawa proceeded with caution.

Karuizawa checked unto Ibuki's bags and looked the belongings. She found out things everyone have like towels, change of clothes, underwear, and etc. Even if she's found out, she could just make a nonsensical excuse. As the Queen Bee of the class, she had that much authority.

And then at last she found something.

Karuizawa: "A digital camera?"

After finding it out, she heard faint sounds of footsteps approaching. She quickly put back the things together in order and closed the bag.

Hirata: "Good morning Karuizawa-san. You're quite early I see."

Karuizawa turned back and saw her 'boyfriend', Hirata Yousuke. The Class D de facto leader.

Karuizawa: "Good morning, Hirata-san. "

Gone is their usual intimate mood between them. After all no one's watching them right now, even Karuizawa called his last name.

After making sure Hirata didn't see her, she sighed in relief. Karuizawa is now wondering wether what he Aomine said was right. After all having a digital camera in this island test are suspicious enough.

Karuizawa: "Hirata-san. Can I borrow the manual?"

Hirata: "Oh, the manual? Wait I'll get it for you."

Hirata went to open his bag and hand it over to her. It was as quite thick too.

Karuizawa then flipped the pages and went to the purchases section where each class can buy items for their use. And there she saw the amount of points that will be needed. She judged that it was already highly likely that Ibuki was a traitor. Despite the lack of information and concrete evidence, the circumstantial evidence pointed out in that way.

Karuizawa: "...I have to do this."




Aomine was jogging around the island before the break of dawn. He's already at his 20th lap around the island. His body emitting steam as his sweat evaporated from his body. His body temperature is so high, if a there's a thermometer he would have a fever.

Aomine: "Oh damn. Guess this body still had its limitations."

After he could feel his body screening from pain, he started trying to regulate his body temperature and do some cool down exercise.

By the time he got back to the Class D's spot, he already sensed that three of his classmates awake. He also sensed some of the guys from Class B going away from the camp.

Aomine: "Must be a reconnaissance unit. At this rate, Class A is going to win, huh. I kinda don't want that..."

Aomine muttered not really amused on the development. He really hated losing more than anything else after all.

Aomine: "Oh well..."




Morning had started and everyone from Class D had started waking up. Hirata had assigned roles to reliable students for his plan to save points like boiling water and collecting food in the forest. Meanwhile the less helpful and independent-minded like Aomine and Horikita did as they pleased.

Thanks to Miyake, the boys had slept comfortably in the tent with a hard ground. Aomine told him to set up below the tent to have a soft layer which helped cushion their backs. The girl's eyes brightened when seeing such miraculous method, in which they imitated it.

Ike: "What the hell, you guys?!"

Ike's angry voice boomed throughout the campsite. I looked in his direction, and saw two male students wearing wide, smug grins. A pained expression flashed across Ibuki's face for a moment, but then she quickly ducked behind the tent to hide herself.

Aomine: "Komiya and Kondou, huh?"

Aomine who was on the top of the branch of a tree lazily glanced at the two people. They were also the people he knocked unconscious recently.

Kondou: "Wow, you Class D rejects are really living frugal, eh? I guess that's what I'd expect from a class of defectives."

They were stuffing their faces with potato chips and drinking bottles of soda. Not water. Soda.

Komiya: "What did you even eat for breakfast? Grass? Or maybe bugs? Here, you can have some snacks."

They took a bag of potato chips and tossed it near Ike's feet as he drew nearer. Though it was obvious that they were trying to start something, Class D couldn't help getting irritated.

But Aomine was different... As soon as he saw free food his eyes lightened up and jumped from the top of the tree. He landed accurately near the bag gracefully. He picked up the bag of potato chips on the ground.

Aomine: "Oh sweet, free food! Food that I didn't have to work for tastes awesome!"

Class D had various look on their faces. No not only Class D, but also the two guys from Class C.

For one thing, Aomine just jumped from a tall tree. That was acceptable to some extent, but also displayed his physical abilities. Then he just picked up the bag of chips on the ground, which clearly the Class C is looking down on them as if they're feeding animals. Aomine with his thick-skinned face get it for himself.

Aomine: "Huh? What are you two looking at? Just to tell you, I won't give it back."

Like hell we would! We are making fun of you you idiot! Those two wanted to shout at Aomine's airhead reply.

Aomine: "Oh right! Other than giving me free food, do you guys have any business here?"

Komiya and Kondou glanced at each other for a bit. They gained back their senses after that.

Komiya: "We have a message from Ryuuen-san. If you want to enjoy your summer vacation to the fullest, come to the beach right now. Don't hang back. If you're sick of living like idiots, then we're happy to share our luxuries."

Aomine: "Great! Tell that guy I'm coming for him later. So this is what they say don't judge the book by its cover. Your faces might look some cow shit that stinks even flies won't go near, but Class C were good guys after all!"

After seeing that their cheap provocations aren't working on him, even got their faces called cow shit, they retreated back. They don't have the balls to go against Aomine. Though Ryuuen is much more scarier for them.

Aomine patted Ike in the shoulder. Ike looked grateful for standing up against those guys. Aomine went to the girl's tent.

Aomine: "Hey, Horikita you hear me?"

After breakfast, Horikita was not seen anywhere. Though it wasn't a big problem to Aomine's radar-like spirit senses.

Aomine: "Did you hear what happened?"

Horikita: "The cheap provocation coming from Class C? Yes, I heard."

Aomine: "How about we go see Class C's campsite? Let's see this Ryuuen bastard's thinking."

Horikita: "It's rather unusual to see you taking initiative. Are you feeling well?"

Aomine: "I'd love to throw those words back at you."

From what he could tell Horikita's fever is slowly getting worse, especially in an environment like this. At worst case scenario it might get dangerous and get contagious towards the girls. Not to mention they lived in the same tent.

Aomine: "Well are you on, or not?"

Horikita: "I don't want to move too much. Since I'm the leader, if I stand out too much, we'll be in a bad spot."

Aomine: "It might be. But no matter what you do, the situation won't probably change right? And besides I'll be going too. You know we're both potential suspects for leaders right? Even if they narrow it down to the two of us, worst case scenario, 50-50 chance is still to low chance. I doubt they would disregard the risk."

Horikita sighed.

Horikita: "You're right. I suppose I can't say what's correct. Fine. I'm rather concerned about the state of the other classes. Let's go."