

Walking in, next to Christofer, Archer, Alice, and Selena looked around the carriages they wanted to get in when they heard someone call Alice over.

"Let's go." Alice said, "Let me introduce you to my friends."

Archer and Selena looked at one another and nodded following Alice. Getting in the carriage he saw two more people who clearly were twins.

"This beauty over here is Liya Brooks and that idiot looking one over there is her brother Ben." Alice introduced her two friends to Archer and Selena.

"We are identical twins so either we are both good looking or both idiots." Ben complained as his mouth turned sour, "Make your mind up."

"I am sorry they are always like this." Liya apologized looking at her friend and brother's behavior.

"It's okay." Archer shook his head, "My name is Archer by the way. Archer Rakepick. And this pretty lady here is my friend, Selena Wolfe."

Liya and Ben were more stunned when they heard about Selena than about Archer as they looked baffled, "It's great to meet you." Liya said taking her wand out, "I have always wanted to meet a Wolfe, me and brothers wand were made by your family of course."

"It's great to know." Selena said getting slightly uncomfortable, "It must be made by my uncle as the rounded bottoms are his signature style."

"So which house do you think you guys would be sorted in?" Archer asked diverting the topic seeing Selena getting a bit uncomfortable for which she was thankful for.

"Well it's the statues that decide but I'll prefer to be in Wampus." Ben replied as he looked at his sister, "Liya would probably be selected by the Horned Serpent."

"Yeah, no doubt about that." Alice agreed, "I am thinking about Wampus as well."

"Hey, don't decide for me." Liya said, "But I can't deny it either."

All of them laughed a little as Alice turned towards them, "What about you two?"

"I think I'll be in Pukwudgie." Selena said, "I have always had a knack for healing."

"As for me, I don't really know." Archer shrugged his shoulders, "I'll just choose whoever chooses me, I guess."

Before they could complain about how Archer was avoiding the question, the carriage started riding and unlike how they came before the horses started leaping towards the sky carrying the carriage with them.

The carriage started flying around the forest, as it slowly moved up as well giving them the whole tour of the school in a single flight. Soon they began speeding up as they reached high up in the sky flying around the beautiful castle.

All of the new students could be seen looking out their window enjoying the view, even Archer's group was doing the same.

"I heard there are Hidebehinds all over the forest." Alice commented leaving Liya to shiver a bit.

"Hey, don't say that." Liya commented, "I am sure its all rumors."

"But I have heard customers in our restaurant talk about it often." Alice continued to tease Liya causing everyone to chuckle again.

Not paying attention to their conversation, Archer's concentration was on something else.

"What's wrong, Archer?" Selena asked Archer but instead of replying he just pointed at the last carriage that was flying behind them.

Others quickly looked over to see what it was when they all got shocked as they saw Christofer hanging behind the last carriage crazily. His hood still covering his face as if it was glued there, he looked like a monster attacking the carriage. If someone didn't know better they would think it was a dementor chasing them or something dangerously creepy in general.

"What's wrong with him?" Ben asked frowning, as all the others had the same thing in their mind.

"His voice sounds as if he is 50 but the way he moves around suggests he is younger than that," Liya said from what she had observed, "But why is he so creepy?"

"Guess that's what gatekeepers are supposed to be like," Archer added as he sat back down since the carriage started lowering themselves as well.

Landing, all of the got out of the carriage outside the castle gates. The place looked free and open with flowers all over the place like a nice garden of sorts. One thing that Archer noticed was the amount of Gordian Knot on the place aside from one sigil of the school at the gates.

"Head to the gates." Christofer's voice sounded out as they began moving. Turning around they quickly noticed a blue-haired witch waiting for them at the entrance.

"The first years, Professor Canessa," Christofer said to the young witch in front of them with him standing behind them like a sheepherder.

"I'll take it from here Christofer." Professor Canessa nodded with a smile as she opened the gates wide open as she tapped on the door with her wand.

Looking around the castle they followed Professor Canessa through another door towards the entrance hall. The Entrance hall at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was a huge circular room. The hall topped by a glass cupola. The space around the room was particularly empty except for the four wooden carvings that represent the four houses at Ilvermorny. And last but not least the floor was made of stone, with the Gordian Knot etched into the middle of it.

The moment they entered they could see the older students looking at them silently as they stood around the wooden balcony on the next level that goes around the circle making some of the students more nervous than they were before.

"Please stand over there." Professor Canessa pointed at the edge of the room as she walked alongside them. She finally stopped and looked at them.

"Welcome to Ilvermorny," said Professor Canessa. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Ilvermorny. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room."

"The four houses are called Horned Serpent, Wampus, Thunderbird, and Pukwudgie. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Ilvermorny, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

Every new student had their own different reactions, some like Archer and Alice were calm. Some like Selena were kinda scared. Some nervous like Liya and some way too excited like Ben. Noticing the reactions, Professor Canessa nodded satisfied with their reactions as she continued,

"When a student is called, they will step foot onto the Gordian Knot on the floor which you can see is in the center of the room. The large wooden statues you see represent the four houses which you'll be facing. These carved statues react if they want the student in their house from where you'll be sorted to your house. But be aware that the carvings react in different ways, like the crystal in the Horned Serpent carving's forehead glows, the Wampus carving roars, the Thunderbird carving beats its wings, and the Pukwudgie carving raises its arrow."

"Remember, Horned Serpents represents the mind of a witch or wizard so it favors scholars. Wampus represent the body of a witch or wizard so it favors warrior. Thunderbird represents the soul of a witch or wizard so it favors adventurers and last but not least, Pukwudgie represents the heart of a witch or wizard. so it favors healers. Though they are all different and represent different things, no house is lesser than the other."


A/N= I know its awfully similar to Hogwarts but since Ilvermorny was inspired by Hogwarts most of the things are the same here as they are in Hogwarts.
