
(BL)Obsessive Over You

There's nothing Levi Winchester doesn't know about the guy he's been in love with, Tyler Moss. His deepest secrets, what he likes to eat, how he sleeps at night...and even the scent of his underwear. But even being unable to find himself truly, he would do anything to protect Tyler.....ANYTHING.

Sakakibara9300 · ホラー
88 Chs

Levi Winchester

Coach Nichols sat in front of Jay and I looking a bit nervous. He took a few quick peaks around before handing us both folders full of paper. It felt like a scene out of the K-dramas Tyler liked.

"What's this?" Jay asked.

"It's basic information of you two. Your name, gender, place of birth, current residences. All the documents you need and medical history in case of emergency. Also contacts for other emergencies." He told us. Why did he look so nervous? Coach looked a bit more distressed than usual.

"Are you stressed out or something?" I asked.

"Of course, I have to help prepare final exams at the school, take care of family and take care of you two without being suspected. There's no time for sleep anymore. It's too much work for a handful of ungrateful brats." Coach sighed. Jay on the other hand looked impatient.

"Are you being watched?" I asked out of curiosity.

"You should always assume you are being watched."

"Why would we need this stuff? I already-" Jay started.

"Those are fake, these are the ones that are authentic. Nikolaos and Kanstantinos died in a car accident ten years ago. You two are now Levi Winchester and Jay Vanity and these documents will pass for that. If things go as planned, you'll have to continue living as them." Coach explained.

"You should've just started with that, why do you love dragging things out?" Jay grumbled reaching for the folder. As he was about to grab it, Coach pulled his folder back. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Levi can go ahead, but you can't right now."

"Excuse me?"

"Why should you have it when you're not even going to be cooperating with us?"

"When did I not-"

"Why do you think I'm helping you two? Because I feel bad for you?"

"Aren't you?" I asked.

"You can say that I am in some way, but I'm not as nice a guy as you think. I just need you to get me out of this shit. There's too much legal shit going on and I can't find a case of human experimentation that didn't get an execution conviction. I have people who depend on me to be alive and not in prison. And maybe I'll feel a little less guilty about what happened if I helped you out of something that I helped create. I'm doing what I have to for myself and my family, which means I'll cut you out if you're useless."

"So you're just a pussy that chickened out," Jay taunted. "Now you need us to keep you alive and get you a lighter sentence. What a shitty guy."

"You have no right to talk to me about being a shitty guy."

"So what's your point here? You'll hand me over if I don't comply? If that happens, you won't be safe either."

"But if I have you, they'll spare my life in return. It will be even better if you went yourself, I'll get credit for luring you in. You still have more to lose than I do."

Jay turned a bit pink. "Fuck! You're the one who offered to help us! So fucking do it like you said!"

"What we're you planning to do if I hadn't?" Coach's voice became authoritative suddenly. Jay was silently thinking hard. "Let's get one thing clear, no matter how smart you actually are for your age, you're a minor who can't do anything without an adults permission. You're impulsive and entitled and unstable because of your age. You can't escape with from Mr. Barros without me."


"So do as I say. Don't ask questions or get curious. For once just follow the rules. If you understand, just follow me and don't say anything." Coach stood up and just started to walk away from the table. I took my folder and got up to follow.

"Are you really going along with this asshole?" Jay snapped as me but followed as well. "He's suspicious."

"What other choice is there? You think I want his help or something?"

"You're not afraid it's a trap?"

"I am, but what other choice do I have. Nothing I've been doing can save Tyler's life," That seemed to finally shut Jay up. He was always so hostile for some reason.

"I'll kill him when this is over."

His god complex was starting to annoy me. I followed Coach Nichols occasionally peaking back to see if Jay had also followed.

He did.

"Here we are."

"The arcade?" I asked. Has this man lost his mind? Why are we wasting time like this lately?

"Shall we have some fun?" Coach asked.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Jay snapped just as confused as I was. "Have fun when we have-"

"I said, let's have some fun." Coach walked inside the arcade. Jay looked at me but I decided to follow him without asking questions. Coach hasn't let me down yet, strange as his methods may be. "I'm not sure what games kids play nowadays. But I guess a lot of kids your age still like this one." Coach reveled the beauty of an ancient looking pinball machine. "Jay, have you played this before?"

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why do I have to be here? We basically have no fucking time to...." Jay suddenly shut up and stared at Coach Nichols angrily. "So annoying....fucking bullshit. Yes, I played it with Tyler."

With Tyler? When did they go to the arcade together? Did he go with him and Liam? Did they go on their own? Why would Tyler want to go to the arcade with Jay?

Does Tyler know Jay likes him?

I picked up the two player shooter and pressed start and Jay grudgingly followed. After a few minutes Jay started getting antsy. Tyler has taught me all the tricks and glitches to this game so no way was this guy beating me.

"Why do I keep dying?!" Because you deserve it for moving in on my Tyler! How dare he try to creep up while I'm missing in action? Who gave him the right to make good memories with him? I aimed for his head again and got a perfect headshot again sending Jay into a fury. "What the fuck?! Why the hell do I have to even do this-"

"Because you suck," I stated matter of factly.

Jay snapped his head towards me. "What?!"

"Whoops, did I say that out loud?" I smirked.

Jay scowled but turned back to his screen. "You're fucking annoying."

"Stop complaining because you suck at video games."

"I beat Tyler!"

"Tyler's no good at video games either. He just mashed buttons." I told him.

"I sti-FUCK!!!" Jay shot up as I shot him again. It took everything in me not to bust out laughing at his tomato red face. But I didn't have what it took because I burst out laughing anyway. He had such a hair-trigger temper. "What the fuck are you laughing at!"

That just made me laugh harder. "You suck!" I managed through the laughter. "You really can't stand being bad...at anything.....you....and your stupid gos complex!" I couldn't speak anymore.

I was tickled pink.

"Good you boys are getting along!" Coach smiled at us bring some nachos over. "Chow down."

"Who's getting along with who?!" Jay snapped. "He's cheating!"

"He's just so bad at video games."

"Why are you so good at them?" Coach asked.

"Tyler and Liam taught me."I explained. "It's fun when you can actually make friends."

"Fuck off, I had friends!"

"Really? It can't be Ms. Yoon."

"I wasn't going to say her!" Jay turned tomato red again. "T-Tyler! He's my friend."

"You're trying to kill him, how is he your friend?" I retorted. He had to be joking right? "You almost succeeded once."

"That was before....it doesn't matter." Jay glared.

"Continue. Were you going to say 'that was before I fell in love with him,' Jay? Aren't you trying to kill him because your love is one sided?"

"Yes, because you don't deserve someone as good as that." Jay looked me straight in the eye as he said this with conviction.

"Wow, you really said it, but here's the reality, I've been with him. We've said I love you to each other, I've met his entire family, we've been going out, we've had sex multiple times, I've also proposed and he said yes." I bragged. "Aren't you really just jealous of our relationship? After all, it must've been awful being the third wheel."

We glared at each other. "Y-you-"

"I can hug him and kiss him whenever I want, because, in reality, I'm his Levi. He loves me more than you." Just a little more. "He'll never want you as more than a friend."

"Fuck you, you know as well as I do ,that nothing  good lasts forever. You have to keep your sheep in order," Jay seemed to regain his composure. "He might not be yours for much longer. I can be an actual threat. And if you were to die instead, what would stop him from coming to me?"

"The memory of me."

"He loves me too."

"But never as much as he loves me."

"You seem really sure of yourself."

"When you find your soul mate, you have no choice but to be sure," I retorted. "It just becomes something you know in your soul."

"Nothing is guaranteed."

"Except this."

"You two can get pretty intense when it comes to Tyler, huh?" Coach suddenly said. "Try not to kill each other, I'll be right back."

"I should kill you now," Jay mumbled.

"Coach just said not to," I snapped at him.

"I meant in the game stupid!" Jay turned back to his screen. "He doesn't suit you. Aren't you afraid you'll snap and kill him one day. You're not exactly the picture of great mental health."

"Neither are you," I wasn't going to let him know my past delusions.

"You thought about it too, haven't you? If he hadn't come to you willingly, you'd try to break him until he did. You've dreamed of locking him up where no one can see or get to him except you, just like I have. You want to take away all his choices to even think about anyone else."

Maybe we really are blood related. "How would you know?"

"We grew up the same, I just have more audacity. I would've been the one to save Tyler of that lady hadn't fucked up the location to stop me from saving him! I would have him if you had just died in the basement with George! For fucks sake, I killed for him just to get him on my side!" Jay ranted. "What makes you so great?"

"I didn't try to deceive him into loving me back," I shook my head. We were way to similar when it came to things like this. "There was a time that I felt I knew what was better for Tyler. I wanted to tie up his hands and feet and strip him and humiliate him, even if I had to put a leash around his neck and degrade him, even if he screams cries and curses at me, I would make sure he couldn't see or hear anyone. But then he wouldn't be the Tyler I loved anymore. And I don't think I could live with myself if I killed that Tyler."

"You're just as bad as I am," jay admitted.

"I used to think that, but I know him better now, so I won't act on those selfish impulses. That's how I know he's my better half. I need him."

"I feel the same about Tyler. He completes me." Jay admitted. "So since you've already had your character development, I need him more than you do."

"Too bad, I won't let you ever have him."

"You'll have to survive everything to keep him all to yourself."

"So will you."