COMPLETED It is a pity that among the many short stories, there is not a single one about the Silk Road. It deserves to have at least one story about its. Thanks to this road, many countries learned new technologies, gained new knowledge about cooking and medicine, and cultural exchanges were taking place. Materials on the history of the Silk Road is a huge treasure trove of knowledge! I wanted to write a short story about this path, about the people of that time, alas, my English grammar is not so good. This story is the first attempt at writing. The story itself begins 10 centuries after the opening of the Silk Road. In the time of Sir Pei Ju. The action will be divided into three epochs - the period of the end of the Sui dynasty and the beginning of the Tang dynasty. Industrial and Informational era of modern history. In each era, its main character. Perhaps they will be somehow connected. The main idea is the “Jiang” coin with magical properties, which gives a person super ability, though for a short time. This story has a place for intrigues, clan wars, conflicts, strategies and wonderful finds. --------------------------------------------------------- This is a work of art. Any resemblance to real people or real events is purely coincidental.
The Silk Road appeared in the 4th century BC. and lasted until the 15th century AD it played a huge role in the development of culture, technology, art of China, Persia, Central Asia, Byzantium, Europe and other transboundary territories.
On the Silk Road, methods of processing of iron and gold, methods of sericulture were exported from China.
The main intermediaries between China and the Persians were merchants from Sogd.
In China, there was already a complex lunar-solar calendar. It consisted of the five primary elements of nature - the tree "mu" color - blue or green, the fire "ho" color - red, the ground "that" - yellow, the metal "jing" - white, water "shui" - black. So they were divided into two cosmic forces - the "light" Yang and the "darkness" Yin.
What gives 10 cyclic signs or celestial trunks "tiangan", each of the 10 celestial trunks in combination with 12 earthly branches "sheerzhi" form the name of a particular year in the 60 year cycle, which is called "ganzhi".
12 terrestrial branches - a mouse, a cow, a tiger, a hare, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a chicken, a dog, a pig.
In every 60 year cycle, the same year mark is found 5 times at intervals of 12 years.
Hourly periods:
from 23 hours to 1 hour - an hour of the "tzu" mouse
from 1 h to 3 h - chow cow hour
from 3 hours to 5 hours - the tiger's yin hour
from 5 am to 7 am the hour of the hare is "mao"
from 7 h to 9 h - h dragon "Chen"
from 9 am to 11 am - hour of the snake "sy"
from 11 h - 13 h - horse hour - "y"
from 13 h - 15 h - an hour of a sheep "wei"
from 15 h - 17 h - monkey hour - "shen"
from 17 h - 19 h - an hour of chicken "yu"
from 19 h - 21 h - the hour of the dog - "Xuy"
from 21 hours - 23 hours - the hour of the pig - "hi".
The Sui Empire existed from 581 to 618.
Tang Empire - existed from 618 - 907 year.
distance and weight
The average distance traveled by caravan in the period BC. was 23-25 km a day.
The caravanserai was located in the 7-8 centuries every 25-30 km.
A caravan in the mountains for a day on horseback ran from 30 to 70 km.
1"li' in 600 years was equal to - 369.75 meters
1 "dow"- 10 liters
Other info
A horse can carry pack cargo from 70 to 130 kg. A maximum of 70 km in the mountains and 100 km on a plain can be passed per day. Within 10 hours and rest three hours after the journey.
The distance 3562 li from Shule to Gaochanya, and 6154 li from Gaochanya to Chanan. It means approx, 51,3 days.
The distance from Gaochanya to Little An was approximately 2,630 km or 71,270 "li" or, depending on weather conditions, the caravan could go from 65 to 87 days, that is, from 2 months to 2.8 months.
Distances from Little An to Big An are 260 km or 6.5 days.
Total = 144,8 days or 4,8 month,
A significant number of Sogdian merchants lived in the Tang capital of Chang'an.
The Sogdian caravans went through the Pamirs to northern India along the "southern route".
The history of the Chinese Tang dynasty, a monument simultaneously with early Arabic sources, speaks of the country of Kan, which includes nine principalities: Kan, An, Qiao, Sheh, Mi, Ho, Modi, Sheh2 and Khosyun - whose rulers ("nine families") belong to one dynasty, called the Chinese Zhaova.
In the 5th century, the Chinese brought from Sogd - grapes, learned to cultivate glass of five colors. The Sogdians learned from the Chinese how to make paper from cotton.
From China, the methods of processing iron, silver, gold and methods of sericulture were exported.
The principality of Davan was linked by the "Jade Road" with India, the "Tsar Road" (shokh-rokh) with Byzantium and Rome, the "expensive gold" with Altai and Siberia, the "Scythian road" with the country of Alanya.
An embassy-trade agreement on the opening of the Silk Road was signed in the capital of Davani, Ershi, and was built in the 2nd century BC. from the capital Davani - Ershi to the city of Yu or Yuchen, through Osh, mountain passes to Kashgar. In the oases of the Takla-Makan desert, it went to the north of Lob-Nor Lake, to which a protective earthen ramp reached the Great Wall of China. Land, river and sea trade routes linked the "Great Wall of China" with Beijing, Hong Kong, Korea, the Far East, Japan, Indonesia.