
'Idiotic husband - only with me ' never judge a husband when married instantly by Angelic_devil

This is the journey of Alora Alvarose and Jasper knight when she was happy to attend her best friend wedding unexpected turns of events occurred and led her to get marry the person who her friend should have married instead of her truly unexpected Handsome lawyer and a consultant , youngest song of knight family forced to get married due to his grandpa's stubbornness but unwilling and love towards his old man who never stopped him from achieving his dreams he is in a fix finally agreeing to get married but whom will he get as his bride Two complete strangers married in a sec how will be their journey together will they kill each other or fall for each other well when the male is handsome then without a doubt he will be having his package with him but the female is not at all less than him bubbly cheerful but when provoked ha ha read to know her but when love join forces with hate its too comical lets read then "i said u are the most idiotic person i have ever seen dear wife " he said through gritted teeth "yep what can you say i will surely become idiot when you have an idiotic-husband, like you i totally agree with ya" she said grinning Jasper "don't play with fire" Alora " you married it hon" Jasper ready to puke blood from anger

angelic_devil · 一般的
45 Chs

whatever i could achieve today is all because of him

In the south side of the country A , there is a villa named wishing star, it is built at outer skirts of city C , a guy was talking angrily on his phone " what are you trying to gramp? I told you, there is still time and all. Why are you rushing things? "

spoke a man grinding his teeth, the man looked too handsome, in which once you see him you can't stop but steal glances whenever you get chance.

Angular and defined jaw, high cheek bone, rightly proportioned lips pale smooth skin which wants to touch , and those icey blue eyes which can freeze anyone with a look, now had an impatience look in them

" My dear little one you know I am not getting young any more , cough * cough**"

du du duuuu..... the call was ended abruptly

sudden uneasiness was settled in his heart , he dashed towards the garage.

~so meet our male character. Jasper knight and if you are wandering about that old man don't be, he is too crazy to die early and these foolish grandkids always fall for his tricks and the results, well right before you .~

He drove like a maniac to the Knight mansion braking many rules.

He jumped out of his car and ran directly towards his Grandpa room. Every one were shocked to see him like that , when he entered the room he was terrified there lying on the best his usually cheerful and witty grand pa,

*what a heart breaking screen *

his grandmother was close to crying and all the people who followed the young master was petrified to see the scene unfold before them, what happened to old master .??

The doctor suddenly came out of nowhere , "I am sorry young master. Your grandfather body has become too weak by over stressing himself, you guys should not burden him with any more tension or stress "

every one were shocked. Obvious to all Jasper saw through their act of the gran duos, rubbing his fore head "Fine you will I will marry the wilscot's daughter you win"

the grandparent's had a crazy glint "but I have one condition, you guys should never mention how I look or what I do, if you do that, I am good to leave far away." saying that he went out of the room leaving everyone delighted but angry on the duo's for playing that trick .

Jasper made a call "Blake, I need all the information on wilscot's daughter and all the people close to her, in one hour "

saying that he rubbed his temple that's when he heard his grandmother's soft voice "Acompany me to the tea room little one, I have something to discuss with you "

In the tea room "Grandmother what is this , what are you guys planning to what's going on "

Grandmother breathed sigh " your grandfather and Gabriel wilscot were friends from their college days, your grandfather was already set on his career. But Gabriel built his career to new heights on his own , given they were close friends they made a promise of becoming as in-laws, as his son or daughter marry our son or daughter. But that's couldn't happened as your grandpa believes in love in marriage but when Gabriel died his promise became a guilt, he couldn't come out of and he is really sad, but a promise is a promise right so please don't hate him"

Jasper chuckled "You know I never get angry on him , because whatever I could achieve today is all because of him don't worry grandmother, I won't back out and I will get married on the aisle "

yo lovelies

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