
캡틴주소【마추자벳.COM코드AK47】캡틴검증 사설토토 마추자벳

作者: Lyndon_Wulf
Magical Realism
連載中 · 977 ビュー
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What is 캡틴주소【마추자벳.COM코드AK47】캡틴검증 사설토토 마추자벳

WebNovel で公開されている、Lyndon_Wulf の作者が書いた 캡틴주소【마추자벳.COM코드AK47】캡틴검증 사설토토 마추자벳 の小説を読んでください。...



The Raging Storm

Boom! The sky was black and thunder stuck the earth. Castle walls rattled with each strike as the King solemnly sat down on his throne. "May he who has a solution, speak freely." he said. Yet all his advisers and wise council members shook their heads in dismay. Desperation took hold of the King. "Surely there must be an answer, a hope to cling to." Yet he heard nothing and saw only dour faces and broken spirits. Depression threatened to take over upon seeing the reactions of his officials. News of the war front in the east had come, by way of messenger, only days before. His army was routed, his towns captured, his enemies advancing onward. Soon they would be upon him. Such news was a huge blow to the King and his citizens. Many fled and many more panicked in the streets. Ka-Boom! The shaking of the stone walls in the throne room mirrored the trembling of the King's own heart. Would he die this day? Would his family be captured and his kingdom conquered? He shivered at the thought. The champion was the one leading his enemy's army. This Champion was a truly fearsome man. Tales of his accomplishments ran like wildfire even unto here, many hundreds of miles away. He render much glory and fame for his country. His was a frightening tale. Of pain and revenge, of suppression and triumph, of blood and slaughter! The King stood, for he could no longer sit idly. He paced back and forth before the council with a frown resting heavily upon his brow. So anxious he was to find a way out, a path to safety. All plan and ploy had been exhausted, every idea considered. But all were found either impractical or insufficient. Time itself seemed to be against them. Light flashed through the windows and sure enough, only moments later- Da-Da-Doom! Suddenly, the doors of the throne room were thrown wide. Many were shocked by the commotion, yet other did not hear because of the roaring thunder and screaming gales. But the King saw what was before them. There, in the doorway, stood a man carrying a sword. Lightning leapt from the blade and the very air twisted around it. The sight of it left cold sweat on the King's back. Yet, it was only until he looked up at the one wielding it that his knees buckled from under him. For what the King saw in the champion's eyes sapped away all his strength. It was there, collapsed upon the stone floor, that the King finally knew of his fate. A raging storm had broken the dam that was his kingdom's walls and none would survive.

Mr_Logical · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Suami Zombie Ku

Bukan hanya kedua orang tuanya yang meninggal dalam kejadian itu, tetapi calon suaminya juga turut meninggal dalam kejadian yang membuatnya harus hidup sendiri. Malam hari turun hujan deras disertai petir dan kilat menyambar. Sejak wabah manusia mati dengan tidak wajar, dan bangkit dalam keadaan mayat hidup. Membuat Viona setiap malam harus mengurung didalam rumah mewah yang ia tinggali. Pemerintah mencoba mendata masyarakat yang masih hidup dan bersembunyi di wilayah yang sudah porak-poranda karena mayat hidup atau disebut dengan Zombie. Ada bagian Penelitian Agen khusus Zombie yang membuat sebuah tindakan untuk meneliti Zombie tersebut. Mungkin ada sebagian dari Zombie yang bisa disembuhkan. Setelah mengikuti Undangan dari Departemen PAKZ, Viona bergegas pulang kerumah menggunakan sebuah mobil milik keluarganya yang masih bisa digunakan. Di perjalanan pulang dia dikejutkan oleh satu Zombie dengan pakaian Aneh dan itu berbeda dan dibelakangnya Zombie itu diikuti oleh segerombol Zombie lainnya yang memiliki wajah seram. Viona bingung harus berbuat apa? Sampai dirasa, Zombie itu menunjukan badannya sisi pintu mobil. Karena takut, Viona segera menancap gas mobil untuk menghindar dan meninggalkan Zombie tadi. Satu Minggu telah berlalu. Viona menjadi bagian anggota PAKZ sebuah uji coba. Atau bisa dikatakan PAKZ memilih anggota yang cocok dengan tes DNA untuk dipasangkan dengan Zombie yang bisa diselamatkan dengan cara 'Ikatan Takdir/ Perkawinan'. Pada malam hari Viona dikejutkan Zombie itu lagi, yang pernah menghentikan dia dijalan. Zombie itu entah mengapa memiliki tatapan aneh dan tanpa diketahui oleh Viona. Zombie itulah yang akan menjadi Takdir baginya.

Ulliiyy_ponwpomw24 · ファンタジー
1 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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