

作者: 听雨的青年
連載中 · 32.2K ビュー
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  • NO.200+

What is 诸天最强旅人

WebNovel で公開されている、听雨的青年 の作者が書いた 诸天最强旅人 の小説を読んでください。【新人签约新书榜前十】  穿梭诸天万界,见证悲欢离合,留下一个个属于最强旅人的传说。  穿越的世界暂定:赌圣1、乌龙闯情关、多个鬼片大世界、赌侠1和2、笑傲江湖、陆小凤传奇、四大名捕、仙剑一、花千骨、仙剑三、济公、大话西游、西游降魔、西游伏妖以及齐天大圣孙悟空。  除此之外,还有一些电影世界会临时加入,敬请期待…… ...


【新人签约新书榜前十】   穿梭诸天万界,见证悲欢离合,留下一个个属于最强旅人的传说。   穿越的世界暂定:赌圣1、乌龙闯情关、多个鬼片大世界、赌侠1和2、笑傲江湖、陆小凤传奇、四大名捕、仙剑一、花千骨、仙剑三、济公、大话西游、西游降魔、西游伏妖以及齐天大圣孙悟空。   除此之外,还有一些电影世界会临时加入,敬请期待……  


Moved For wsa

In the year 4225, Earth stood on the brink of extinction. Decades of environmental neglect and relentless exploitation of natural resources pushed the planet to its limits. The Aigon Corporation, a conglomerate of the world's leading scientists and engineers, embarked on a project that would become humanity's last hope. Delving into the realms of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics, they sought to crack open the very fabric of reality... And crack it they did. In 4230, Aigon unleashed a rift, a tear in the veil that separated Earth from what lay beyond. This rift was a doorway to another world, a realm they named Shunri Paradise. However, Shunri Paradise took a toll on whoever traversed it, leading to their death but not without managing to acquire some resources from the realm. With this, the scientists were able to create individuals of exceptional ability who could survive the ecosystem of Shunri Paradise and brave the peril of Evos, beasts who dwelled there. These individuals became known as System Bearers. System Bearers could gain strength and transformations from consuming Evos, ushering humanity into a new age. - Over a century later, Earth had advanced greatly in technology, and System Bearers rose to the top of the food chain. In this new age, a teenage boy named Atrixus Timothy has dreams of becoming a system bearer. Born to a once-prominent scientist who mysteriously vanished and an ill mother, Atrixus's early life in the slums of Paricus City is a far cry from the destiny he wanted. Mocked and marginalized at Sacred Heights High School, he is deemed unfit to become a System Bearer, a verdict that crushes his dreams. Days to his seventeenth birthday, Atrixus stumbles upon a legacy left by his father—a box. His life undergoes a drastic change upon interfering with the contents of this box...

TimVic · ファンタジー
2 Chs
Latest Update
0 :作品相关
1 :赌圣
2 :乌龙闯情关
3 :神话
4 :鬼片世界
5 :赌侠二部曲and美队
6 :赌侠二部曲and美队
7 :仙剑一


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