

作者: 东神唐红天
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What is 绑架全世界

WebNovel で公開されている、东神唐红天 の作者が書いた 绑架全世界 の小説を読んでください。  罗宁做梦也没有想到,自己不过是一个普通的大学生,居然能有一天干出绑架全世界的壮举来。  事情还要从他穿越的那天说起。  没错,罗宁穿越了,魂穿,还是做梦的时候魂穿。穿越地点,天衍大陆,穿越人物,一个普通的杂役小厮——因为犯了点小错结果被管家带人给打了个半死。  这本来没什么,可是问题是,地球上的所有与他上下相差十岁以内的男人,一夜之间都受到了同样的伤害。医院瞬间满员,而这还不是最严重的。  真...


  罗宁做梦也没有想到,自己不过是一个普通的大学生,居然能有一天干出绑架全世界的壮举来。   事情还要从他穿越的那天说起。   没错,罗宁穿越了,魂穿,还是做梦的时候魂穿。穿越地点,天衍大陆,穿越人物,一个普通的杂役小厮——因为犯了点小错结果被管家带人给打了个半死。   这本来没什么,可是问题是,地球上的所有与他上下相差十岁以内的男人,一夜之间都受到了同样的伤害。医院瞬间满员,而这还不是最严重的。   真正最严重的问题在于,如果罗宁在天衍大陆死亡的话,那么整个世界的男人,上到三十二下到十二岁,将会出现一个绝对的断层空间——所有人都会跟着死亡。   这一下问题就很严重了……   所以,如何才能在这个弱肉强食的玄幻世界里活下去,就是罗宁的第一奋斗目标。


Bhagavad Gita-Demystified ( series )

website: https://programsnithyanandahyderabadsangha.wordpress.com/ NEW !! Free Online workshop Bhagavad Gita-Demystified ( series ) REGISTER HERE : https://tinyurl.com/BhagavadgitaDemystified GITA - The sacred song of Krishna Which is part of the ancient knowledge base of the vedic tradition is the direct expression of the Divine and the expression of the experiences of great sages Bhagavad Gītā is the manual for Enlightenment. The essence of the whole Bhagavad Gītā is the Master awakening responsibility in the disciple. ?Do you want to Learn the ultimate act of compassion that you can offer to the world ?Do you want WEALTH , complete completion , Healing and manifestation of powers ?Do you want to Learn the things that needed to be dropped for self realization. ?Do you want to Learn how to go through the ultimate flowering of enlightenment path ?Do you want to Learn about positive and negative samskaras,five jnanendriyas, five karmendriyas and their effect on ultimate liberation ?With the grace of Kalabhairava and Krishna ( Swamiji) we are conducting Free! online ONE HOUR healing and completion sessions . ?It’s a 21DAY process ultimate process of DEVOTION , YOGAM , JNANA ( knowledge ) , KARMA , MOKSHA to take you beyond death , Rewrite your past , change your future! Manifest powers and cause the reality as you want! ?This is for anyone who wishes to Be in deep feeling connection with the master , Clearance in Karma , To Learn how to break from MAYA and attain liberation. Scanning & Healing, 3rd eye solutions. DATE : November 15 th to Dec 5 th TIME : Sun , Mon, Tue , Fri, Sat 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm Wed, Thursday 9:30 am to 10:30 am How: via 2way video conferencing through zoom , Join from PC, IPAD , MOBILE For any queries call: +91 6304007307 Thanks, SRI.

Shri_Eeshana · 都市
1 Chs

Douluo dalu:God Punishment List

Lin Yi traveled through the world of Douluo, foreseeing in advance that various god steles would descend on the Douluo Continent. Kill people on the evil list to get rewards from the god list. 【List of Hypocrites】: Includes all kinds of hypocrites Tang San: “Why am I the number one hypocrite list?” [Negative List]: Contains all kinds of negative men Tang San: “Am I second on the list?” Yu Xiaogang: “The No. 1 list will be announced soon. Who will it be? It definitely won’t be me Yu Xiaogang.” 【Announcement of No. 1 on the Negative List! Yu Xiaogang! 】 [Kill Yu Xiaogang, the number one on the Negative List, and the God List will reward a 100,000-year-old soul beast for voluntary sacrifice! 】 Yu Xiaogang, who was about to be chased across the continent, panicked and wanted to seek refuge in the Wuhun Temple, but Lin Yi, who had predicted in advance, was approaching Yu Xiaogang and was ready to kill! ................................................................................................................ -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.uukanshu.com/b/176544/ - The original author is: Yao Xing Bie Xiaolou - I will also change many things from the original work and modify the story at some points so as to improve the quality of the story. -The original author didn't give importance to Romance and Harem. I will try to change that and I will also try to add r-18 chapters. ................................................................................................................ -Extremely Handsome MC -System -Overpowered MC -R-18 -Harem

Akkuzz_69 · アニメ·コミックス
136 Chs

Elotalia : Love is Strange

Tora Yaguchi, 17 tahun, adalah siswa SMA yang pendiam, introvert,Di balik sikapnya yang dingin, Tora memendam depresi yang membuatnya sulit membuka hati pada cinta. Namun, semuanya berubah saat seorang gadis misterius muncul dan menyelamatkannya dari insiden memalukan. Tiba-tiba, Tora merasakan percikan perasaan yang belum pernah ia rasakan sebelumnya. Suatu hari, Tora tanpa sengaja menemukan portal ajaib yang membawanya ke dunia fantasi Elotalia. Di dunia baru yang penuh warna ini, Tora terkejut saat bertemu dengan versi dirinya di masa depan. Tora masa depan, yang telah menjadi penguasa harem yang sukses, memperingatkan Tora muda tentang kesalahan yang akan ia buat. Tora muda harus belajar menghargai orang-orang yang peduli padanya, terutama gadis yang telah menyelamatkannya. Petualangan Tora di Elotalia membawanya bertemu dengan berbagai gadis cantik dan unik, masing-masing dengan daya tarik dan kepribadian yang berbeda. Tora mulai menyadari bahwa setiap gadis memiliki peran penting dalam hidupnya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, Tora belajar membuka hati dan mengatasi traumanya, dibantu oleh dukungan dan cinta dari para gadis yang mengelilinginya. Namun, kebahagiaan Tora terancam saat terungkap rahasia kelam di balik portal Elotalia. Tora harus membuat keputusan sulit yang akan menentukan nasibnya dan orang-orang yang dicintainya. Akankah Tora memilih untuk mengorbankan kebahagiaannya demi menyelamatkan orang lain?

AryaRamadhan · ファンタジー
5 Chs

The Tycoon's Deadly Desire: Hello Mrs Liang.

Han Mina lives a double life - by day, she's a brilliant heart surgeon saving lives, by night, she's the ruthless assassin known as "Star." Her latest target: billionaire CEO Liang Chengxiu, a cold-hearted corporate titan who rules his empire with an iron fist. But when Mina's assassination attempt is foiled, Chengxiu becomes obsessed with unraveling the mysteries of this deadly, beautiful woman. Instead of having her killed, Chengxiu takes Mina captive, determined to control her and uncover her darkest secrets. The more he learns about her shadowy double life, the more he craves to possess this enigmatic assassin. Mina fights an emotional battle, vowing not to be corrupted by her growing feelings for this powerful man who should be her enemy. Yet there is more to Liang Chengxiu than meets the eye. Beneath his ruthless exterior, Mina glimpses a vulnerable side, stirring an unexpected tenderness within her. As she is drawn deeper into Chengxiu's world of money, power, and deception, she begins to question if her latest target could be her redemption. Can the bonds of desire overcome their destructive ambitions? As dark forces conspire to tear them apart, the assassin and the tycoon must confront whether their deadly attraction will lead to their downfall or deliverance. In this sultry, suspenseful romance, no one's life will ever be the same once they surrender to the tycoon's deadly desire. cover photo not mine credit to artist @pinterest

justmeandalone · 都市
16 Chs
Latest Update
1 :正文
2 :正文


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    General Audiencesmature rating