

作者: 笙羽惜
連載中 · 10.5K ビュー
  • 232 章
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  • NO.200+

What is 洛公子又腹黑了

WebNovel で公開されている、笙羽惜 の作者が書いた 洛公子又腹黑了 の小説を読んでください。第一次见面,一个站在教室门口,一个坐在椅子上。“喂!朋友,第一次见面至于下这么狠的手吗?”“哦,然后呢?”*第二次相见,一个站在操场上,一个站在教室窗口。“喂!同桌,下来一块打球啊!”“无聊。”*第三次遇见,一个坐在车上,一个站在雪地里。“喂!男朋友,好久……不见。”“嗯,好久不见。”...


第一次见面,一个站在教室门口,一个坐在椅子上。 “喂!朋友,第一次见面至于下这么狠的手吗?” “哦,然后呢?” * 第二次相见,一个站在操场上,一个站在教室窗口。 “喂!同桌,下来一块打球啊!” “无聊。” * 第三次遇见,一个坐在车上,一个站在雪地里。 “喂!男朋友,好久……不见。” “嗯,好久不见。”


The Grand Mutants

In a world forever altered by the captivating dance of the Auroras, the very essence of the planet stirs, unleashing a long-dormant force known as mana. As this mystical energy surges through the Earth, a group of six ordinary 16-year-olds find themselves thrust into an extraordinary destiny. Richard, a rising soccer star known for his skill and determination; Sarah, blessed with beauty like a model and born into immense wealth; and Maxwell, a playboy with a physique that captures every woman's dream. Little do they know, their fates are intertwined with three others. As the planet's chosen protectors, these teenagers must shoulder the immense burden of becoming its pillars and shield against enigmatic extraterrestrial beings that threaten humanity's very existence. Alongside their newfound powers linked to the awakened mana, they also grapple with personal struggles, doubts, and fears that come with the responsibility they've been given. United by a shared sense of destiny, they embark on a heart-pounding journey filled with epic battles, unexpected alliances, and profound self-discovery. Each must learn to harness their unique strengths and work together as a team, forming unbreakable bonds that will shape their lives forever. As the threat from beyond the stars intensifies, the world looks to these six extraordinary teenagers for hope. Will they rise to the challenge, embracing their destinies as protectors of humanity? Or will the weight of this monumental task crush their spirits and fracture their unity? Brimming with magic, courage, and the timeless struggle between good and evil, this gripping tale of cosmic awakening and personal transformation will leave readers spellbound. Join Richard, Sarah, Maxwell and the team as they navigate the challenges of adolescence while being thrust into an adventure that will change them, and the world, forever. Prepare to be enthralled by this coming-of-age story, where ordinary teenagers become extraordinary heroes and discover the true power that lies within themselves.

Praiz_Official · SF
16 Chs

Fancy Me, Professor!

"Good morning, everyone!" His sultry voice sounded in the classroom as he greeted his students. "Welcome to Assessment of Student Learning class, and I, Pan An, would be your professor." Most of the girls in the room stifled their swoon as the boys internally rolled their eyes at the women who reacted that way. At the back of the classroom, however, was Shu Xian, the only woman who didn't swoon when she saw who their Assessment of Student Learning professor was. Her eyes were wide open as her mouth was agape, her heart thumping hard in her chest as she couldn't believe what was happening in her life right now. 'I am living under my professor's roof!?' --- 19-year-old university student named Shu Xian was left irreparable when she was kicked out of her apartment due to not paying her rent since she only earned a little from her part-time job. Waking up to an unfamiliar place after some men assaulted her, Shu Xian came out of the room and found the man who rescued her. He introduced himself as Pan An and upon knowing from Shu Xian that she had no place to stay, had offered her to stay in his place. Unknowingly, though, when she went to the university where she studies, it turns out that the man who saved her is actually now her college professor and that they're living together! Is staying under one roof beneficial to them—or will it just hinder their lives as a teacher and as a student? Let us know what would happen as we unravel Pan An’s intentions and Shu Xian’s struggles in the story entitled, “Fancy Me, Professor!”

MysticAmy · 都市
477 Chs

RWBY- Daughter of the immortal reincarnator, ruby rose

What if when a reincarnator has experienced most of life plans on settling down in the world of remnant and takes Ruby as his adopted daughter? The immortal monarch known by everyone in his world as the Azure immortal was the strongest known cultivator of the myriads races. Many tales of him were told to children, inspiring many to become the best they can in life. He had many friends and many lovers but never had a child. As a rouge immortal, he roamed the nine realms by himself, helping those in need and righting wrongs through the lands. But what people knew not of him, was that the Azure immortal was a reincarnator whom reincarnated from a planet known as earth. For eons he lived life to the fullest and saw the world as he would be to his heart. Neither evil or good, the Azure immortal travelled many realms and universes doing all that he wanted and needed. But after so long, he has finally grown weary of his travels and plans on settling down in one of the universes he found to be a good place to settle. In the world of remnant. However when exiting dimensional travel, he stumbles upon a dying woman known as Summer Rose in a remote alley. In her embrace was a silver eyed child. This child was Ruby Rose when she was 3. "A cruel world, a cruel life that is the truth of the universe but through our own, can we live a wholesome life. A child that is innocent should not be thrown into such a world at a young age. I shall take you in as my own and as of today your name shall be Kiana Rose. Eyes representing the Moon and Rose a name given by your mother." This is a story of how a reincarnator adopts Ruby as his own daughter. Note all arts and works are not mine with the exception of many things inside.

Azure_god_monarch · その他
46 Chs

Just wanted peace

A leader that tried to get revenge for his fallen friend, slayed the gods that opposed him. Only for him to die by an unknown force. He woke up without his memories, but with the same heart. A protector that swore to protect her team, managing to even block the powers of the gods. Only to see her best friend, and leader dying in front of her, she used her life and protected the only friend she had left. She rebirth without any memories, but swore the same thing. A swordsman, seeing all his friends died in front of him. Took a step back, and trained. Killing those that was related to the gods. Giving up on his humanity for his team. But never giving up on searching for them, even if they couldn't rebirth. A mage, used all his life energy to complete their mission. To protect their homeland. Only to be cursed when he died, never being able to break free of it. He awoke his memories, yet he can't contact any of his teammates. A smiths that helped her teammates to craft all their equipment was left alone. She didn't want to pull them down more, leaving something that will only let them remember her when they grow strong enough. She could only hope for them, to grow stronger. Yet, all of them only wished for one thing. They wanted peace. Will they find peace? Even after all the things they been through? From chapter 3.5 onwards, I have a editor to help me, @Melody_Night Currently chapters is on hold. Due to never ending exams and homework. Thank the teachers for that...

razyro · ファンタジー
15 Chs
Latest Update
1 :案件
2 :初露马甲
3 :身份暴露
4 :情根深种


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating