

作者: 青漠雨
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What is 文至武圣

WebNovel で公開されている、青漠雨 の作者が書いた 文至武圣 の小説を読んでください。  文明的路在崩溃,悠悠千古岁月,葬掉了多少璀璨文明。   这一纪,文明再度陷入黑暗,是谁,要葬掉一切,将痕迹也抹除。   是文者,是武者,是大千世界亿万生灵,是他们,成就了一个个辉煌的文明。   也是这亿万生灵,亲手葬下了自己的文明。   文道,武道,阵,音,玄,所有的一切皆湮灭在时空长河,传承之路,在逐渐消失。   一位少年人,在这样一个时代横空出世,以华夏璀璨的文明,要唤起这个世界逐渐陨灭的...


  文明的路在崩溃,悠悠千古岁月,葬掉了多少璀璨文明。   这一纪,文明再度陷入黑暗,是谁,要葬掉一切,将痕迹也抹除。   是文者,是武者,是大千世界亿万生灵,是他们,成就了一个个辉煌的文明。   也是这亿万生灵,亲手葬下了自己的文明。   文道,武道,阵,音,玄,所有的一切皆湮灭在时空长河,传承之路,在逐渐消失。   一位少年人,在这样一个时代横空出世,以华夏璀璨的文明,要唤起这个世界逐渐陨灭的文明。


Obsessed With My Beauty

❤️love changed these two people ❤️ what will happen when two people who hated each other to the core are arranged to or forced to marry?? " see I hate you, so stay away from me," Myra warned him. Reyansh glared at her and said " I married you just for my family. don't expect me to love you. And I am not even interested in a girl like you." SCENE CHANGE- " You are caged with me love and no one can snatch you from me. YOU ARE MINE. Be ready to face the devil. " Reyansh smirked devilishly What will happen when Myra and Reyansh who hated each other from childhood are forced to marry each other just because of their parents?? will they accept each other ?? Will this relationship work or not ?? If Myra is fire, Reyansh is ice. if Myra is kind, Reyansh is arrogant. ❤️ but at the end they both are caring for their loved ones ❤️ -------------------------------------- SECOND LEADS- from the day he saw her he fell for her. For him it was love at first sight. she didn't know that he loved her but slowly his love started getting Deeper for her. He wanted her desperately for him. Only for him !! "Xavier, p... please leave me.." Kiara stuttered. "Sleep peacefully baby doll." Xavier muttered and her eyes started getting close all of a sudden. Kiara Wilson is Reyansh Khurana's best friend and sister. She is bubbly type but what if she meets Xavier who is also called as Devil?? what if he fell for her at the first sight?? Will she be able to fall for him?? Or not?? For knowing do read the book... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT)

?Shining? · 都市
62 Chs


【无脑狗血,木得逻辑】 正文已完结,番外连载中 京城封家封老爷子从外抱来了一个小姑娘,对外宣称封家四小姐,却大名晏溪。 封大少爷封承漠然:我只有弟弟,没有妹妹。 封二少爷封衍假笑:这妹妹是爷爷抱回来的,自然该爷爷养着,给我们兄弟几个做什么? 封三少爷封勉不屑:不知从哪来的野种,也配当我妹妹? 晏小溪眨眨眼,娇娇软软地喊哥哥。 后来 封承:小溪,你不是喜欢游乐园吗?走,哥哥带你去。 封衍:溪溪,哥哥买了架飞机,想不想要? 封勉:溪溪宝贝儿,哥哥告诉你,从今往后京城你就横着走,谁不给你面子那就是不给我面子,老子弄死他! 晏小溪眨眨眼,还是娇娇软软地喊哥哥 老爷子冷笑:不是不喜欢吗?瞧瞧你们那点出息!来溪溪,爷爷给你买了栋别墅,以后就跟爷爷住好不好? 当封家人争小姑娘争的如火如荼时,少年勾唇,轻轻一笑:溪溪,过来,给我亲亲。 晏小溪红着脸过去了。 封承/封衍/封勉/封启:???? 操,小宝贝被抢了。 娇气女主×浪子男主。 白隽:你是我情之所钟,意之所向,心之所依。 (甜不甜难说,三观正不正难说,慎入) 不甜!!!!不宠!!!!! 慎入!!! 别又找我麻烦!!! 作品名改不了,反正你慎入!!

向导先生 · 都市
249 Chs
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