

作者: 合抱木
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What is 扮演诸天神话

WebNovel で公開されている、合抱木 の作者が書いた 扮演诸天神话 の小説を読んでください。诸天万界,众星闪耀,扮演诸天神话,万千神话汇聚一身。他是天残地缺,一曲肝肠断,天涯何处觅知音;他是九叔,道门真人,纸笔墨刀剑,捉鬼镇尸,无一不精;他是剑仙李太白,一剑光寒十九洲,剑气纵横三万里;他是炎帝,异火亘古尺摧星斩月;他是无始大帝,仙路尽头谁为峰,一见无始道成空......他是一切,他是唯一,新的纪元,他是神话的源头,也是历史的掌控者。...


诸天万界,众星闪耀,扮演诸天神话,万千神话汇聚一身。 他是天残地缺,一曲肝肠断,天涯何处觅知音; 他是九叔,道门真人,纸笔墨刀剑,捉鬼镇尸,无一不精; 他是剑仙李太白,一剑光寒十九洲,剑气纵横三万里; 他是炎帝,异火亘古尺摧星斩月; 他是无始大帝,仙路尽头谁为峰,一见无始道成空......他是一切,他是唯一,新的纪元,他是神话的源头,也是历史的掌控者。


It's Called Radiation, And It Glows Blue (Fallout/RWBY)

Ivan Balor was once a normal dude from Earth, then he woke up a Glowing One Ghoul in a world that rings a distant bell with a set of memories that aren't his own. In the ashes of a burnt world so similar, yet dissimilar to his own, Ivan coasts along to survive for several decades. His ventures have led him to a point in his life in which a series of events sends him on a new adventure. This fiction will eventually cross over to RWBY/Remnant. Although, this crossover is a distant ways away and is more ACT 2 of ACT 1 than any crossover. IE, this is an Isekai. This fiction, or more specifically the character used and inspiration for this fiction was created through the usage of this Interactive Choose Your Own Adventure: https://kondor9543.neocities.org/fallout/index.html Ivan does not have memories of the Fallout Franchise due to a drawback called 'New Game'. No Artwork belongs to me and has been ripped off of Google Images. Message my Web Novel account to get no response for several business weeks to months, but I will eventually check and remove the artwork from either the cover or any message boxes. I only own Ivan and my OC's, any faction I've used is inspired from various other wasteland themed fictions that I subconsciously steal from. All rights go to those that actually own the franchise. This Fiction is solely written to day-dream about cyborg-girls killing shit in cool ways.

LordDylz · ゲーム
7 Chs

King of Calamity

Bran, a man with many regrets, has lived a life of pity and depression. His family fell, and he was left alone to fight in a war against the Demon King, Bael. Long and arduous in his battle, he lost many friends to the demon's hands. The world fell to ruins, and the gods dead. Bran was left alone, fighting to his last breath. As the Demon King stood above him, bleeding and bruised, Bran coughed up a globule of silver blood. "How dare you destroy everything!? Have you no care for anything?" With a laugh, the Demon King, disregarding the man lying beneath him, took to the skies, leaving him to die. As Bran lay there on the gritty and dead ground, the life fading from his eyes, footsteps echoed from behind. Gilfia, the goddess of life and love, offered an opportunity: Go back to the past and save the world from darkness. With a heavy breath, Bran accepted and found himself in his bed 18 years in the past. Will Bran be able to save his loved ones and the world itself, or will the demon king still destroy everything, leaving nothing but a planet of dust? Follow Bran's sorrow-filled journey in the past to save the world from darkness and fix his mistakes; follow The King of Calamity! *** Will post one chapter every 1-2 days until I've reached chapter 10. Then, I'll switch to a weekly upload schedule to stockpile a bit This, most likely, will not have a harem. There's like a 1% chance that it will have one.

LoukasP · ファンタジー
8 Chs
Latest Update
0 :作品相关
1 :神话初现
2 :神话初现


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  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating