

作者: 南极笑
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What is 我夺舍了帝王

WebNovel で公開されている、南极笑 の作者が書いた 我夺舍了帝王 の小説を読んでください。阴差阳错,张小北竟然夺舍了荒淫无道的帝王。开局一个老太监,满朝的奸臣贼子,外有虎视眈眈的各路王国。好在他有“神级复制系统”,你修为滔天、魔威盖世……叮!复制成功,获得一张九品传奇境卡片,使用以后,获得魔头全部修为。你统领百万雄兵,手下有十大将领,修有天阶极品武技……叮!复制成功,获得撒豆成兵卡片,使用以后,获得百万大军,兼修天阶极品武技。你计谋超群、人称赛诸葛,决胜千里之外……叮!复制成功,获得绝...


阴差阳错,张小北竟然夺舍了荒淫无道的帝王。 开局一个老太监,满朝的奸臣贼子,外有虎视眈眈的各路王国。 好在他有“神级复制系统”,你修为滔天、魔威盖世……叮!复制成功,获得一张九品传奇境卡片,使用以后,获得魔头全部修为。 你统领百万雄兵,手下有十大将领,修有天阶极品武技……叮!复制成功,获得撒豆成兵卡片,使用以后,获得百万大军,兼修天阶极品武技。 你计谋超群、人称赛诸葛,决胜千里之外……叮!复制成功,获得绝世妖孽卡片,使用以后,可以培养一百个妖孽谋臣。 你、你、还有你……都要造朕的反?别走,看朕将你们的修为、技能、谋略全部复制过来。


Mr. CEO sweet lover: Little bundle of joy

"When I tell you that I love you, I don't say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me" --- She was forced to marry this strange man because of one night stand which changed her life completely. His family wanted from him a child, so they arranged a marriage for the both of them. Li xiao tried everything to get away from him, but he only told her that she will never leave unless she gave birth to his child. Unknowingly to her, this strange man is the richest man in G city. He was more handsome and compelling and his dignity made him more arrogant looking while she is just the heiress of the xiao family. He had an impeccable reputation. All the women in the world would scream desperately when they saw him, but she didn't. Jingyi Wang cared and treated her like a Queen. He made her the envy of all the women, but there was one problem- she never loved him because her heart belongs to only one person. But this jingyi was just too sweet to her. He used his possessive love and supreme power lure her heart step by step. --- "Si... Sir... Young master Wang, please, I can't give birth to your child. There are other women in the city. I don't think I fit your status" li xiao said and lowered her head. Jingyi put his bony fingers under her chin and lifted her delicate face. He gazed into his eyes and said, "I want only you to give birth to my child" Follow me on Instagram- author_toriatim Read my other books; The Deity In Her Heart Trapped By My Arrogant Lover Note: This is an ordinary story by me (Toriatim) and not a translation. The cover is not mine. Credit to the owner. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/RvPutEhc

Toriatim · 都市
232 Chs

Married to the cold hearted ceo

•He is rich •He is handsome •He is wealthy When he stands out in the crowd he is well know... Don't let us talk about his muscular build body cause he is freaking hot He wins award ceremony for the most popular and successful billionaire every year that sometimes he gets tired of it.. He owns Two countries in New York and other branches in Korea, Japan, China,Canada and other countries WHO IS HE? Leopard Mcquire...He is the richest bachelor billionaire in New York City As long as Valentino is the most richest billionaire in New York he is also cold, arrogant and proud of himself He is as cold as a ice and Valentino hates for women's is so much that all is employees are all male and no one knows why he hates the tourch of women. What happened when she came into his life and changed his destiny WHO IS SHE?? LOYAL ROSEAN MAPLE the daughter of the popular and hourable family in New York.... Loyal is the crazy, stubborn sassy and full of lives but all that changed when she was involved in an heartbreaking scene... She then became calm, gentle and an introvert and the word love became dead to her.... due to that fact her parents decided to get her married to the famous Leopard Not because of her interest but because of her parents business. Will loyal Become who she was before... Will she trust the word love again.... Will Valentino also believe in love... Will Valentino become a happy person and not a cold person again...

Kenny_Lilibet · 若者
4 Chs


Athena, a resilient dark-skinned woman, steals to survive and care for her hateful father. When her actions catch up, Aiden, the boss, rescues her. Discovering her father's betrayal, Athena reluctantly leaves Louisiana for Boston with Aiden.   In Boston, Aiden assigns widowed Mrs. Evelyn Chester to oversee Athena’s farm work as punishment. Aiden departs to his city home, leaving Athena to clash with Evelyn. Despite initial resistance, they bond, and Athena gains the freedom to choose her preferred task—gardening.   In Boston, Athena befriends Hazel, a maid working in Aiden’s grandma’s house. Hazel shares insights on surviving on the farm and warns of dire consequences. One rainy night, Athena is drugged and abducted by workers Milo, Theodore, and Callum in the stable.   Returning home, Aiden faces his parents’ inquiries about marrying his betrothed, Princess Aurora. Betrothed since childhood, Aiden, not a believer in love, sees the marriage as a pragmatic union for business and kingdom alliances.   A call from Evelyn alerts Aiden to Athena’s disappearance. He swiftly returns, organizes a search with Hazel’s revelation about a maid orchestrating Athena’s kidnapping for human trafficking. Determined, Aiden mobilizes to rescue Athena, knowing he has three days to reach her captors before they sell her. Athena’s escape attempts prove challenging.   During the second night, the drunken men sleep, except for Callum who assaults Athena. She escapes, and Aiden, discovering her in the woods, carries her home. Bloodied and traumatized, Athena remains silent. Aiden, unable to examine her, entrusts Evelyn with the task.   Aiden takes a week off, moving to the family house on the farm to care for Athena. Despite her silence, he visits regularly, gradually easing her pain. They bond over walks and gardening, and Athena eventually shares the harrowing details of her ordeal.   Reluctantly, Aiden brings Athena to the kingdom under the guise of a maid. Rumors of her pregnancy surface three months later. Aiden confronts his parents when they mock the pregnant maid. Aurora apologizes on his behalf, and he confides In her about his childhood connection with Athena.   Aurora suggests Aiden claim responsibility for her pregnancy to avoid expulsion. He does and his parents agree to keep her in an old tower for safety. Aiden visits daily. Athena, realizing Aiden’s identity, attempts to confront him, leading to a tragic fall. She hides her pain until alone, breaking down.   Rumors of Aiden impregnating a maid jeopardize his contract marriage with Princess Aurora. Aiden, initially silent, is persuaded by Aurora to open up to his parents. Together, they apologize to Athena, clarifying the situation, and Aiden reopens the palace gates.   Athena questions Aiden about hiding his identity; he admits to enjoying the mystery. As she recovers, Aiden shows her the kingdom, bringing life back to her eyes. During a picnic he proposes to her. He decides to confess his love, but she vanishes, leaving him anxious. Aiden, in panic, finds Athena in the royal garden. She rejects pity, but Aiden confesses his enduring love. They marry, ruling Montonui united.

Anne_Effiong · 都市
5 Chs
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