

作者: 彤瑶不是童谣
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What is 快穿回来后我成了大佬

WebNovel で公開されている、彤瑶不是童谣 の作者が書いた 快穿回来后我成了大佬 の小説を読んでください。时间铸就的不仅仅是丰富的阅历,还有一颗苍老的心,在穿梭了近百个时空以后,苏橙回到了自己原来的世界,从此,人们开始了每天突破认知的开始。教授,我们这个实验出错了,基础数值算错了,怎么办?去找苏橙,让她来算。导演,怎么办,这个角色找不到人,灵魂就没有了。去找苏橙,让她来演。大哥,怎么办,再找不着神医,你的腿就要废了。去找苏橙,让她来治。回到了这个世界,都快忘了自己曾经的身份的苏橙,开始了佛系低调的生活...


时间铸就的不仅仅是丰富的阅历,还有一颗苍老的心,在穿梭了近百个时空以后,苏橙回到了自己原来的世界,从此,人们开始了每天突破认知的开始。 教授,我们这个实验出错了,基础数值算错了,怎么办? 去找苏橙,让她来算。 导演,怎么办,这个角色找不到人,灵魂就没有了。 去找苏橙,让她来演。 大哥,怎么办,再找不着神医,你的腿就要废了。 去找苏橙,让她来治。 回到了这个世界,都快忘了自己曾经的身份的苏橙,开始了佛系低调的生活,只是一个不小心,就成了国家级科学家,再一个不小心,就成了国民天后,再一个不小心,就成了东方神医。 苏橙对于自己的生活格外的满意,除了永远住在自己隔壁的邻居,我说邻居,你打算什么时候搬家,谢谢,不好意思,没这打算,就想和你做邻居。 陆三为了喜欢的小姑娘,默默的守护了八年,没想到,有一天,居然会被嫌弃,那怎么行,爷护了那么久的媳妇,谁敢觊觎,立马打死。


Tales of the Legendary Scholar

They meet in the most unlikely moment and turned their life around. Freidrech newly arrived in his own nation's capital city, which is so foreign to him compared to his village's idyllic and nondiscriminatory atmosphere, after he is forced to come. Now, he is facing a royal prince and tells him to bow. This draws out one of his late father's teachings from the deepest recesses in his mind. "The blood of your great ancestors runs in your veins. Don't easily bow down to anyone, or accept suppression by any being, not even from a monarch, unless you pledge your allegiance to him. Also, giving in to oppression is directly telling the oppressor that you're easy prey and open for manipulation." He is uncertain on how to face this oppression right now. Will he bows or not? What will he do to uphold his father's words while keeping his life safe? As for the prince, Theodrech has nothing to do with Freidrech, so he wishes to let this slip, but the boy opens his mouth and proposes the most ludicrous challenge he ever heard and triggers his curiosity. "I, Freidrech Goederf Gerboud, son of the late Village Chief of Wrilon, will challenge you, Your Highness, to a battle of riddles… If you win, I will not only bow but be your servant for the rest of my life." This amuses the prince. It is the first he met a boy of the same age who is not intimidated by the air of authority he projects. Rather, this boy challenges him. "Why are you so headstrong? In fact, bowing to me is an honor. You saw the King's noble Knights. When they saw me, they bowed," says Theodrech, testing Freidrech. "Allow me to be forward, Your Highness. For me, bowing to a monarch does not guarantee loyalty. If I were you, I rather have men who stand straight in my presence but who got my back, than bowing men who are dreaming of my death," replies Freidrech. The prince’s curiosity increases. A huge smile is seen on his face. Prince Theodrech decides to take Freidrech under his wing. Little did they know, this boy who Prince Theodrech takes in as his confidant and friend in the most ridiculous fashion is someone indispensable in his life and the one who can help him succeed the throne when he almost believes he has lost. Thus, the Tales of the Legendary Scholar begins. ______________________________________ Release schedule: For now, every other day. Later, I will release daily. NOTE: Please, don't copy this story and post it anywhere without permission from the author. Images above are not mine. ------------- New Ongoing Novel: 1. Whispers of Love from Xinyi to Ming (Ongoing) 2. The Recipe of Love (Completed) 3. I'm Guilty, My Beauty(Completed)

JoanB · ファンタジー
16 Chs
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