

作者: 窈余
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What is 宠权

WebNovel で公開されている、窈余 の作者が書いた 宠权 の小説を読んでください。权大姑娘心思深沉世人皆知。江小侯爷放荡不羁同样世人皆知。当江小侯爷遇上权大姑娘,权柔觉得自己能被江忱那张嘴给气死。...


权大姑娘心思深沉世人皆知。 江小侯爷放荡不羁同样世人皆知。 当江小侯爷遇上权大姑娘,权柔觉得自己能被江忱那张嘴给气死。


MCU: One For All

Dying to save someone may seem like a cliche or a trope...but sadly it's a rare thing. To see that type of selfless sacrifice is, like I said, rare. Not many people would willingly defend another human from some crazed maniac wielding a knife. And why would you? What would you gain? A momentarily inflated ego because you helped someone? Maybe you'd even do it for monetary rewards? You'd have to be stupid to not do it with ulterior motives in mind. But what if instead of being stupid, a certain teenager was just...nice. Nice enough to help. Nice enough to be selfless enough to put himself at risk. Most all, just optimistic enough to go up against someone wielding a knife and expect to come out alive. This teenager was called...well, it doesn't really matter what his name is. His parents died when he was too young to even remember their faces, so he was raised by his grandparents. They instilled in him good morals but also a realistic outlook on the world, to make sure he wasn't blinded by the incorrect notion that the world is as simple as white and black, good and evil. This is what caused him to help that person. Because it was the right thing to do. Sadly, something being the right thing to do doesn't make it easy. On the contrary, it usually ends up being harder. Which is how the young man ended up dying with a knife stuck deep in his gut. Soon, everything went black. But then the light came back and the teen found himself in a child's body. That's when the memories came flooding back...and the person next to him, this new body's mother, called out his name, "James..." (A/N - Right, let me get this out of the way: If you don't like Hero MC's, you should turn away now. I'm sick and tired of reading about edge lord MC's who think they're god's gift to the Earth and have zero empathy for other people. This story is about a good-natured young man, trying his best to help make the world a better, safer place. Though, like I said before, he won't be disillusioned with the world. He won't think he's infallible - he'll acknowledge the unfairness of the whole 'Heroes and Villains' thing and how certain people are pushed in either direction purely off of their circumstances and who they are or who their family/parents are. Most of all, he won't be a blatant hypocrite. For reference, the MC has One For All without the extra Quirks but with a passive bonus to his physique instead.)

MyNameIsLouis · 映画
2 Chs

The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

This message is to let you know that we're coming for you. Yours truly, The Mafia's Rose — After her mother’s death, Feng Xuan was sent overseas to continue her studies and was under strict instructions to never come home. Feng Xuan had always known she was going to marry someone she did not love. That was why she was not surprised that when her father finally allowed her to come back, she was off to be married immediately. Upon marrying the handsome, somewhat brooding but caring, Qing Chen, a hotelier and the new mafia boss on the side, Feng Xuan started to realize that she might not be the woman whom she thought she was. There was only one condition that allowed Qing Chen to marry Feng Xuan: he is to keep her protected from the world, and from herself. **** This is a story about a woman who uncovers the long buried details about her life, the society, the world, and her mother’s untimely death. Along the way, she discovers who she really is; smart, ruthless, cunning, and powerful. **** WARNINGS: (If you comment anything about this, I will direct you to read these AGAIN) 1. This is a slow-paced story, because of this ROMANCE CAME LATE FOR THE LEADS. I'm saying this again, LATE. There's a huge reason behind this, if you will be patient you'd get there.  2. Male Lead is weak AT FIRST. As this story is slow-paced, character development took a while. 3. Female Lead will start to reawaken around Chapter 80 and ML will rise into his full potential shortly afterwards--once you start reading you'll know why it took this long. 4. This book is not just about the romance part, it is also has a lot of mystery and later on, action in it. English is not my first language. Please do not hesitate to comment corrections regarding spelling and grammar. Thank you! This is an original story. The picture on the cover is not mine. Credits to the real owner. Update schedule: One chapter a day.

sugarcoatqueenx · 都市
484 Chs
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