

作者: 殷扬
完結 · 58.4K ビュー
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What is 大秦帝师

WebNovel で公開されている、殷扬 の作者が書いた 大秦帝师 の小説を読んでください。  秦始皇决心奋六世之余烈,发动统一战争,扫平山东六国,历经十年征战,秦始皇终于实现了振长策而御宇内,吞二周而亡诸侯,履至尊而制六合,执敲扑而鞭笞天下,威振四海的雄心壮志。  明星企业的营运官周冲意外地来到这一特殊的历史时期,因缘际会,成了秦始皇的帝师,名震天下。在他的辅佐之下,秦始皇要如何才能完成统一国家的历史使命,秦始皇还会再造秦陵、阿房宫、长城,还会再焚书坑儒?在一代帝师周冲的辅佐下,大秦帝...


  秦始皇决心奋六世之余烈,发动统一战争,扫平山东六国,历经十年征战,秦始皇终于实现了振长策而御宇内,吞二周而亡诸侯,履至尊而制六合,执敲扑而鞭笞天下,威振四海的雄心壮志。   明星企业的营运官周冲意外地来到这一特殊的历史时期,因缘际会,成了秦始皇的帝师,名震天下。在他的辅佐之下,秦始皇要如何才能完成统一国家的历史使命,秦始皇还会再造秦陵、阿房宫、长城,还会再焚书坑儒?在一代帝师周冲的辅佐下,大秦帝国将走向何方?   PS:秦始皇是一个很富争议的历史人物,在后人眼里骂名多过英名,从而掩盖了秦朝很多可贵之处:秦国政府的高效率、清廉程度、健全的法制体系、崇尚法治的精神、赏罚分明奖的惩制度都不是后世所能比拟,人才的招揽与使用更是独树一帜,秦军强悍的战斗力后世王朝难以并肩。更可贵的是秦始皇本人对新事物的欣赏和把握与运用能力不仅在中国历史上,就是在人类历史上也是不多见。   


After I Was Reborn, the Boss Was Eager to Marry Me

Before she was reborn, the heroine was the daughter of a rich family. She met a ridiculous life. She was betrayed by her family, her friends, and her family's property was devoured. At last, she died, all because she refused the help of Gary. After rebirth, the heroine only wanted to try her best to hold the hero's thigh, hoping that the leader could forget the past grievances. However, the boss didn't yield to both hard and soft tactics, instead, he liked to bully her. However, in front of others, he spoiled her so much, but only as a mistress... The heroine pretended to be obedient. As the saying goes, "To strike iron, one also needs to be tough." On one hand, she was an obedient lover in front of the hero; on the other hand, with the help and influence of the hero, she studied hard, and also learned to invest in family companies, and at last yielded a good harvest. There was no date for the initial agreement. The hero enjoyed the days of doting on the heroine, but the heroine was calculating the days of leaving. After she grew stronger, she wanted to negotiate with the hero, and she wanted to escape from the hero. She had thought that she would be able to fly alone as long as she had strong wings. However, after three consecutive bad things came to the heroine, her business and life were not going well. All her previous smooth efforts suddenly disappeared, and after she entangled with the hero, these symptoms would fade away... When the two of them were together, fighting against the scum could make twice the result with half the effort. When the opponent discovered this secret, he set up different kinds of traps to separate the two of them. With strength and luck, the two of them fought against the scum while reaching the peak of their lives.

Daoist2m27Ul · 都市
5 Chs
Latest Update
1 :篇外言
2 :第一卷 初试啼声
3 :第二卷 新天新地
4 :第三卷 青云之路
5 :第四卷 攻伐篇
6 :第五卷 天下归一
7 :VIP卷


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General Audiencesmature rating