

作者: 落寞随风
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What is 吞噬星空之太上问道

WebNovel で公開されている、落寞随风 の作者が書いた 吞噬星空之太上问道 の小説を読んでください。吞噬星空世界里,罗峰骄傲地说:“我夏师兄是最强的!人类史上第一妖孽!”雪鹰领主世界里,东伯雪鹰激动地说:“夏大哥,你是我从小的偶像!我要加入云雾城!”……这是一个穿越者的故事!夏至带着太上道传承,来到吞噬星空世界,宇宙亿万族群终将要因他而为之震颤!这里有神灵对战,法则感悟!这里有万族争锋,真意对决!太虚洪荒,宇宙万界,太上道的传说要永恒流传!Ps:40章起飞,59章渐入佳境,万千书友都说越往后越好...


吞噬星空世界里,罗峰骄傲地说:“我夏师兄是最强的!人类史上第一妖孽!” 雪鹰领主世界里,东伯雪鹰激动地说:“夏大哥,你是我从小的偶像!我要加入云雾城!” …… 这是一个穿越者的故事! 夏至带着太上道传承,来到吞噬星空世界,宇宙亿万族群终将要因他而为之震颤! 这里有神灵对战,法则感悟! 这里有万族争锋,真意对决! 太虚洪荒,宇宙万界,太上道的传说要永恒流传! Ps:40章起飞,59章渐入佳境,万千书友都说越往后越好看,作者菌也在进步中! (吞噬星空主世界,雪鹰领主辅世界!) (轻微无限流,无系统!) 每日更新有保证,从无断更,绝不太监,请放心入坑! 让最爱吞噬星空的我们,喜爱雪鹰的书友们,有本完结的同好小说!


One Piece: I Am Psychopath [Completed]

[Mature Content Present] _________________________________ The sun was setting, the only source of light would soon go past the sea horizon. Black smoke filled the sky which mixed together with the white clouds turning them darker in shade. The sea of flames which burned the houses spread like wildfire not leaving a single house standing firm. Hundreds of pirates roared as they killed the men and old ones in the village while capturing the women as well as looting all the goods before the fire could completely destroy them. The men cried, screamed and begged to be spared while the women lost their hopes as the pirates killed all men with no mercy. The tens of ships docked near the village, all were soon fully loaded with goods and women. A man about 3 meters tall, wearing a black suit stood before the ruined village. His eyes which were glowing in multi-color scanned the area. On his face there was not a hint of emotion, remorse wasn't even a word for him. "This is just the beginning, very soon the entire world will know who I am. This village, it is the future which this world will suffer." ___________________________________ [Author Talk---] This is my first fan fiction from my own imagination and I will try to keep the characters as real as possible. Many characters are from the anime 'One Piece' and I don't own them as well as the world 'One Piece' itself. Also, it's an AU (Alternate Universe) One Piece. Please expect some changes. The cover is from my phone. The owner is of course me... If I see someone using this cover!! I will Report!!!!! Please support... If anyone wants to contact me, Insta- @birkang_bty I also have a discord, Discord- https://discord.gg/CrJgswEfRa I have more fan-fiction novels, do try them out. Who knows, you might like one. -The Monster: Trainer Kota [Ongoing] -Attack On Titan: Devil's Presence [Paused]

VILLIAN_MAKER · アニメ·コミックス
182 Chs

Autobiography farmer

I was born to arrange food for animala for animals living on earth....!Friends, I am a farmer. My life is more difficult than others. But i still try to be happy to find happiness in small things. I have to get up early in the morning than other people. My farm is not just a piece of land, but for me everything. Without him i can't live a moment for a moment. Just as parents nature their son. Iwork the field and fertilize him. More than half of my life goes into the field. It is my job to grow grain in the field day and night. Being a farmer is not an easy task. The life of a farmer is filled with all hard work. I have to work hard and honestly without having to leave a day for 12 consecutive months. My bulls also help in my field work. Iwork in the fields from morning to evening. Walking throughout the day, my feet fall as a land. But i am not worried about this, because i know that one of my hard working fruits is going to create happiness in my life. On a cold day, people are sleeping tightly. However, i have to go to the fields on a cold hight and protect the crop and provide water to the crop. Occasionally, sometimes. I get fever but also comes to me. My health deteriorates. In the past, my situation was good. Because inflation was also low. I was getting two time food. But today my situation has worsened. Today, the prices of seeds needed to plant in the fields have increased. Pesticides of pesticides and other agriculture are also increasing. In this, I have to take money from someone. Before the rains, i plant the seeds in the field. After that, i have to go to the fields and protect them every day. I wait for the rain as the crops need water to grow. But my luck is very bad. Sometimes heavy rains come and sometimes there is no rain. This causes a lot of damage to my crops. Because of the waste of all crops. Iwas a debt. It becomes difficult to nurture my family. Our life was worse than begging. But I do not sit in the hope that someone will help. Once again i work hard. The that day brightens when i get the fruits of my hard work and my form once again goes away. Seeing this crop my joy in my mind becomes a mawana. People from all over the word call me foodstuffs. But it is very sad that when there is a crisis on me no one comes, forward to help many farmers like me are bored of life and committing suicide. In the crisis, i do not look back to work hard. I worship the field as God. My desire is just that in my difficult times, the Government as well as other people like you should stand by me and not much, but only two time food should be made to my family.

Nilesh_Thorat_3537 · 歴史
1 Chs

Vinci: Working Together

The actual story starts on chapter 2. Lily was heartbroken after she got out of a toxic love. She then met Malachi who she was immediately smitten with. He brought back color to her world, But she knew she had to get over him. She was about to put it all behind her after the publishing of her book and album but then... She entered her own book Malachi had also gotten out of a heartbreak but he did not like Lily. He didn't mind her company at school but was irritated by her presence after school. Later however he met a beautiful girl who he started talking to. His mother also got sick recently. He warned lily that they can only stay friends as classmates and that he wouldn't say it again. Yet every day he saw a new side of her... One day he woke up in a different world He was the crown prince of a fire kingdom of the North-East in a world named Zodiac. He had read manga before but wasn't sure how this world worked. Luckily he had a system to guide him. Unknowingly that this system is his classmate Lily. They were in a time before the first queen died. This caused natural instability in Malachi's new body making him weak for attacks. To his dismay he learned that he needed to marry his already chosen princess consort or he'd surely die and never return to his world. Lily's emotions were everywhere. She was happy, confused frustrated, because she would be spending her new life by Malachi's side. "You know My bride she is so-" Malachi started. "Lalalalala. Nope, nope. I don't want to hear it. you can keep your gossip to yourself, Vin- I mean prince Malachi." Lily responded "What did you just call me?" He said. "Prince Malachi." She replies "No before that." He said sternly. "I said the name of my previous person why?" She said back. "Previous person huh? You sure you don't mean crush? He said. "I... Well he was a fine specimen." She said with a smile on her lips. "But I will never see him again. Most likely." "Hey, don't sound sad." He said. "I didn't know systems could get sad." He comforted but joked "Unless you aren't a system," Lily let out a scowl. "I'm going bye." She shut herself off, "Hey, hey, hey. Wait come back."

Daoist6HIhmk · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Bad girl stay blond (BGSB)

Two sisters from the eastern part of Nigeria wanted a life in a City of opportunities encircled with the bursting hustle of Lagos, luxurious “IT” girl lifestyle, fame, and money! Turn out life has more to offer them than they anticipated. Jessica Newspread the youngest thought she had it all figured out with hopes of finishing high school as she took a job in a fancy restaurant for university credits, with the good tips that come with it assumed she could assist her older sister who had just gotten back from jail for gun and drugs charge. Mary Newspread getting back from jail still holds on to her old life to get back on the street, this time not alone as she recruits back her best friend Simon, with other homeless tribe gangs who have been in the shadows after their warehouse was raided, and the successor facing lifetime imprisonment for three count murder. Everything started with Jessica Newspread stealing from a wealthy kid who constantly dined in the restaurant with his half-sister and cousin brother………….. Travis Lil is a Nigerian teen rapper with his number up has the likes of great artists who had worked with him and brought him out on stage to perform and headline shows along with club appearances. fuck boy history and threesome scandal as his half-sister encourages him to get his priorities straight in other not to taint his image. Girls in his life were more than one and he hardly cared about it because he never claimed anyone but ended up on the blogs with them either naked or making out. with his fame, and family money because his parent are billionaires, popularly known as the kid that drives fast cars like Lamborghini, Ferrari, Mercedes’ Bugatti etc. ______ The credit card theft gained social media attention that made Jessica flee to Kenya in other not to be detected by CCR who were on the case but shut down by Mrs. Lil, claiming to have nothing to deal with the public prying into her family lives because she and her husband are private people despite her son and stepdaughter are instagram famous? But initially, she has skeletons in her cupboard which she does not want the public to know about. When Jessica found out the case had been shut down she came back to Nigeria and applied to a different school unfortunately with no idea same school as her victim of credit card theft. changed her appearance by dying her hair blond. Mary newspread focusing on her gun and drug dealings that generated more profit which automatically made the Newspread rich. plus her shares with Spurs, which she invested with her older sister generated more than nine hundred million naira. Jessica net worth is over three hundred million with such amount of money she decided to better herself. by Making plans to school in London but to do that she has to finish high school. unfortunately, he is unable to recognise her as the girl who waits on tables, she decides to stay back and write the council exam because all the private schools are already filled up and can’t afford to be waitlisted yet again. Mary Newspread holds a personal vendetta for the lil family, Travis lil at first sight fall over heels in love with Jessica newspread on her first day of school. Read Bad Girl Stay Blond and find out how these two Eastern sisters take Lagos and become rich off organised crimes...

Barine_Gift · 都市
199 Chs

My heart in flames

Saoja a young and beautiful woman is a mother of a young boy named Peter. She lives in Keplet a town not far away from Yashia town where she is employed. She and her husband despite being married to each other and loving each other a lot stay separately due to work. She is happy when she is chosen and given the chance to help the community but things don't quite go as planned with the way she thought. Her arrival at her place attracted the attention of most of the men in her work place the wrong way. Especially Sammy who takes a keen interest in her and relanctantly starts persuing her. Despite her hesitation to indulge him she is forced to go along with it as he doesn't get the hint to back off. His insistance arouses some temptation on Saoja that might make her betray her husband Jim. The men salivated at her sight and the women were jealous of her. Out of helplessness of the situation she agrees to meet with the persistent secretary at the pop inn hotel. They have their lunch and chat a little but their date is cut short when a woman who is in a relationship with Sammy shows up at the hotel. She and Sammy get into a kissing session which is witnessed by Saoja. She goes home feeling betrayed and is reminded of her loneliness. The pain of betrayal left her in despair and broke her, she regretted ever accepting the invitation but she couldn't change the past. What was done was done and she had to move on. The truth about Sammy comes out in the open and she is happy that she had not fallen into his trap. But everything goes out of plan when she decides to get back at him for the humiliation she suffered by playing a game with him. The only problem is that she is not the only one playing the game and she has no idea whether she will win or not.

Precious_pruddy · 都市
19 Chs
Latest Update


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General Audiencesmature rating