

作者: 水之大帝
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What is 信仰封神

WebNovel で公開されている、水之大帝 の作者が書いた 信仰封神 の小説を読んでください。    未来世界,星河时代。  人类足迹遍布整个银河,人口无数,读者亿万。  有人道至高神器名曰起点中文网。  只要有潜力写小说,就能一步步聚拢粉丝,累积神力,最后,点燃神火,凝聚神格,封神不朽。  这一年,作者们还在苦苦书写着老旧的题材,以求封神不朽。  这一年,大神们还在苦苦思索创新,以求神格晋升。  这一年,携带无穷奇思妙想的扑街写手年小白,来到了这个波澜壮阔的大时代。  ......  本...


     未来世界,星河时代。   人类足迹遍布整个银河,人口无数,读者亿万。   有人道至高神器名曰起点中文网。   只要有潜力写小说,就能一步步聚拢粉丝,累积神力,最后,点燃神火,凝聚神格,封神不朽。   这一年,作者们还在苦苦书写着老旧的题材,以求封神不朽。   这一年,大神们还在苦苦思索创新,以求神格晋升。   这一年,携带无穷奇思妙想的扑街写手年小白,来到了这个波澜壮阔的大时代。   ......   本书读者群:250165775   作者微信号:szdd2016   


I Got Over You!!!

In the Nigerian jungle where ruthlessness isn't just necessary to make money, it is prerequisite to survival. Drug lord/mafia boss, Rotji has it in excess and he lords his empire mercilessly. One of the most handsome bachelors in town, he is every girl's dream, bad or not. Sadly he isn't quite eligible. Man just wants to get laid, move on to the next girl, and conduct his crime business with no hassle. Love what??? Lol.... Maybe in another lifetime. Nenrot, a drop-dead gorgeous dame with fiery blue eyes, and sensuous lips, lips, which had often sentenced men to their death at the mere thought of being underestimated for being female. Make no mistake, Nenrot's blue eyes hold no warmth, they are as cold as ice. She's the queen of her kingdom, she makes her money, and bloodies rivals. Girl learned early enough that it's cold outside so, she knows better than to trust anyone. Did someone say, love? God forbid! A whole hard girl falling in love? Nah!!! The head-on collision that usually happens to people in life sooner or later happens between Rotji, and Nenrot. Yes, love did. The take no prisoners kind of love!!! A stronger empire is built, alliances are solidified, and businesses are merged. Nothing sweeter right? Only, a leopard never changes its spots, Rotji had to screw up. But what's Nenrot to do? It's love. The shit she never would have taken way back when was constantly thrown into her face, and she helplessly takes it all. Unfortunately, we don't get to choose whom we love, the universe has a hand in these things. When a hard girl falls in love, she falls hard, but hey, even the sleeping dog has to wake up eventually right?

Oluseyi_Alagbe · ファンタジー
13 Chs
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0 :作品相关
1 :正文
2 :封神
3 :银河
4 :寄生
5 :机械
6 :至高


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