

作者: 浅春秋
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What is 他来时春和景明

WebNovel で公開されている、浅春秋 の作者が書いた 他来时春和景明 の小説を読んでください。【甜美傲娇小模特×禁欲系商业大佬(bushi),双洁,不虐不作,HE】盛忱,二十九岁,知名跨国企业总裁,高冷男神,待人从来官方微笑,不失客套。直到他与大学时的白月光女友陆浠重逢,一切都变了。那个雷厉风行的盛总,在她面前活像一只小奶狗。他委屈巴巴地说:“陆浠,我凌晨起来,为你辛辛苦苦煲了几个小时的汤,你不向我表示感谢吗?”陆浠一脸生无可恋:“怎么表示?”盛忱坏笑着凑近她:“像昨天那样把我扑倒。”陆浠...


【甜美傲娇小模特×禁欲系商业大佬(bushi),双洁,不虐不作,HE】 盛忱,二十九岁,知名跨国企业总裁,高冷男神,待人从来官方微笑,不失客套。 直到他与大学时的白月光女友陆浠重逢,一切都变了。 那个雷厉风行的盛总,在她面前活像一只小奶狗。 他委屈巴巴地说:“陆浠,我凌晨起来,为你辛辛苦苦煲了几个小时的汤,你不向我表示感谢吗?” 陆浠一脸生无可恋:“怎么表示?” 盛忱坏笑着凑近她:“像昨天那样把我扑倒。” 陆浠直接朝他膝盖上踩了一脚,“敢调戏我就是这样的下场。” 后来—— 陆浠一边傲娇甩脸子,一边证实着真香定律,过了一年就和他领证了。 有人向盛忱提问:“有个名模老婆是一种什么样的体验?” 他回复:“谢邀,好像家里多了个宠物,需要时时刻刻宠着的那种。”


Not Natsu

Karen is a 25 year old orphan who moved to Thailand to find her aunt in order, to pursue her dreams of becoming a fashion designer.At the airport she's approached by a a older looking man with specs and not a hint of expression, he refer to her as natsu and still in shock she follows him to a modern mansion, where she is made to keep her things while still addressing her as natsu, after the strange event. She brushes it off since she haven't found a place to keep her things, she hurries to her aunts, She is in dismay to find out her aunt had already moved, knowing she sold her phone and had not a dime on her ever since she bought her plane ticket, she's stuck in Thailand with no where to go, walking lifelessly she sees a elder woman who once again refer to her as “natsu", After some words, Karen finds out that the natsu they keep calling her, was her exact lookalike but was involved in an accident leading her into a coma, with no one aware but her mother, still In shock that she has someone who resembles her, she inquires about natsu, who was unrelated to her by blood or any other means was the wife of June Kim owner of a garage and car brand and mother of auburn a 13 year old teenager. she is the CEO of a clothing brand “golden flower", natsu had been in a loveless arranged marriage with June for 10 years with their anniversary coming up,Natsu being a coma, her mither purposes a risky scheme,here is the thing:the contract of the marriage was for them to renew the contract after eleven years, if the couple was still Unhappy with their reunion they can cancel the contract, Mother Natsu knowing her daughter would cancel the contract, and wishes for her daughter to stay in the marriage because June is a good guy and for her step son auburn, Mother Natsu feeding on Karen's desperate condition to get accommodation and her lookalike being her daughter, makes a deal with her to act as her daughter and help fix their marriage during the period she's in the coma before the contract and before shes awake, Karen nit having a place to stay and not planning to get into a relationship agrees to fill in the place of natsu, with the paycheck of a 1million dollars jumps into the scheme, would Karen be able to fool everyone, will making June fall for Natsu[her] prove to be easy as she boast? would she get more than she bargained? how long would it take before she's exposed or made to come out of the sham once mission is successful? What are the twist she would encounter?...........

Caramelcookie · 若者
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