

作者: 举个杏子
連載中 · 74.2K ビュー
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  • NO.200+

What is 从废墟到罗马帝国

WebNovel で公開されている、举个杏子 の作者が書いた 从废墟到罗马帝国 の小説を読んでください。 经过黑死病洗礼的欧洲大陆并没有像历史中的那样开始逐渐成为世界的中心,反而在活尸的威胁下苟延残喘。 血脉凋零,王冠落地,帝国倒塌。 而在这遍地废墟当中,一个来自后世的灵魂悄无声息的降临在这个崩溃之后的世界。...


经过黑死病洗礼的欧洲大陆并没有像历史中的那样开始逐渐成为世界的中心,反而在活尸的威胁下苟延残喘。 血脉凋零,王冠落地,帝国倒塌。 而在这遍地废墟当中,一个来自后世的灵魂悄无声息的降临在这个崩溃之后的世界。


Multiversal Chronicles: Journeys Beyond Unknown

“Best of luck on your journey, Aerin Thorne El Vinterholm. You’ll no doubt encounter numerous challenges in your path, but I have faith that you’d do well.” the Creator said as Aerin got sucked into the wormhole. *** “Hmm...where am I?” He looked around in the small cabin he found himself in, but as he got more time to familiarize well with the situation, a stark realization gripped him. ‘Wait a minute...Is this Teyvat?!’ As Aerin met and interacted with more characters from the game, he realized that his earlier assumption was correct. He was in the world of Genshin Impact. *** As he lived here over the years, he befriended lots of friends and made many memories there. On one instance, he listened closely to a certain Pirate Queen as she spoke standing on the deck, “For as long as I can remember back into my youth, I've always had this itch for the open sea. Yet, as I now actually cast my eyes back, it ain't the adventure or the exploration I was after; it was the taste of freedom.” And in another, he sat in the same carriage as a strange girl with flower-shaped pupils, “Now, Aerin, you know I prefer my snacks with a bit more... spice. How about some pickled skulls with a side of fermented ghoul tears? Now that's a breakfast fit for me!” ‘Sigh, these people are really a bit too much for me.’ He could only shake his head at their weird antics... *** A/N: A wholesome story with special emphasis on dialogues and interactions of people with our MC. It's a multiversal story. If you want to skip prologue, start reading from chapter 8 since the main story starts from there only.

Xeren_Vale · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

My future with you

10yrs ago since the last time i saw you, and it was a decade ago when you ask me to have atleast a percent of my heart. Vanessa Castillo, The Ceo of Castillo enterprised. As early as 20 she already manage all their family business that her father entrust her. Along side with him his bestfriend and fiance Harry West. The two of them are renowed power couple who accomplish more than what their family did and take the business world by storm. Harry West, fiance of Vanessa, They have known each other since 5. Harry graduated in Military school and was supposed to received he title of General when he decided to focus on business. Even if he turned his back on it, he never lose his contact within the army and still respected . Gabriele Ribeiro, a famous rock star. All of his music that he released top all the major hit chart within the country and across the international scene. A brilliant guitarist, singer and song writer. Triple threat in music industry. Vanessa, Harry and Gabriel... Faith will tied their path together. Money, fame and power. My Soulmate or My First love Authors Thought.... to be honest i write this story without really picking who is the Male Lead. I am planning to write Gabriel and Harry worthy of Vanessa's love. sooooo as the story progress and depend of the flow not all is final.. I might put a second FL, hahhaha will see.. anyway i hope you guys share some of your thoughts on how i wanted to write the story. ^_^ thank you

MrsMorningStar · 一般的
6 Chs
Latest Update
0 :作品相关
1 :迷茫的未来
2 :崭新的罗马
3 :平静的冬日
4 :刀兵相向
5 :秩序的统一
6 :山脉之下


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating